Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2025)

cafe months sale Verde, heavy Only by bidi for of 900 56-Business Opportunities Chevrolet Agency outstanding. out of town agenin a growing mining farming community on a main transcontinental with a franchise. covering other surrounding towns. It includes one acre of ground. a main 50x110'.

re-inforced cement Chevron pas station. grease wash racks. sheds for used cars. $3000 worth of parts 86500 worth of tools. Total price.

$29.500 with $17.500 down $100 mo. handles the deal -property and all. We have pictures. Blaine Realty--Realtors AL 3-8763 (Open 8-81 510 N. 7 81 LAUNDROMAT In A busy Bayless shopping renter doing $25.000 groSS.

Excellent pick-up dry ing and laundry. Exceptionalgood lease Good terms. E. T. WRIGHT Realty 1408 E.

Camelback CR 4-1613 or CR 4-3584 Department Store location. gross $175.000 19.7 shown by appointment only. Long lease. BOWLING ALLEY $10.000 $90 down. HARDWARE VARIETY 000 gross SOFT ICE CREAM $24.000 gross.

PEACEFUL VALLEY REALTY WH 3-3711 BARBERSHOP Choice of (21 good 3 chair shops. Both making money, both very. very reasonable. Best terms. See Mr.

Ring EASTHOME REALTY 36th St. at Campbell (R7-7447 DEPARTMENT STORE Does over $30.000 por Mr. Fast growing community. Will sell for cost of inventory under $15.000 PETER DAVIDSON REALTY 8946 N. 7th St WI 3-4212 Plumbing Heating Bus OWNER RETIRING Established, 18 year VI'S.

lease. $13.500. Low rent. plus STAGECOACH RITY. WO 4-8781 WO 4-3995 Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! THIS ONE IS HOT WESTERNWEAR SHOPPE SCOTTSDALE Featuring exclusive footwear, west.

ern clothing. custom jewelry. Best location. Excellent lease OPEN 1 TO 5 SUNDAY For inspection to qualified buyers Stagecoach Rity. 115 S.

Scottsdale WH 5-0754 WO 4-5995 TAVERN Famous Sandwiches Grosses $5000 Mo. HERON'S 40 YRS IN ARIZ. REAL ESTATE N. Central office 1815 Central CR 7-3366 Sun Eves. Al.

3-4937 VARIETY STORE In downtown Bagdad. Franchise. lease on 1900 50. ft. store.

fixtures. stork. Net Income approx $7375. Will sell for $10.500. terms.

ART SUPPLY HOBBY SHOP Best equipped art store in Northern Ariz. Lease. fixtures excellent location In downtown Sedona. Only $2500 plus inventory. KELLER REALTY (Next to Sedona Lodger AT 2-35386 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Same location for 20 yearsTRADING POST New RATaVO gas pumps Living quarters Beer Wine license acres land on main highway traffic increasing yearly Will not 200 on Investment- 840 000 with down or will take home as down payment.

Beaver Real Estate Ins. O. Box 21. Camp Ph. -o TRADING POST.

Annual gross exceeds cash by 100 If you like 1 buy. trade. sell and make 5300 monthly call eves. AM 6-8995 Faybert Martin Realtor. BR 5-3782.

MAJOR oil company has new odern station now available for lease. Interested parties call at 400 South Avenue hetween Mi 4:30 Monday through Fridas. SACRIFICE going downtown Phoenix restaurant. owner CR 4-7803. SCOTTSDALE cafe.

Ideal for couple, Seats Low rent cond location. 19 North Brown Avenue, Scottsdale. SHOW LOW beauty salon: Two working operators. wear around business, Box 425. Show Low, AriZona PAINT store.

well established. good location. reasonable for vash. Box 18-QX. Republic and Gazette $14,000 YEAR NET 817.500 inv.

buys ref, mod hdwre. var. in busy NW shop. center. Ims.

or take C-3 trade. Eve CR -2090. HOBSON REALTY INS. CO. 4827 16th St.

CR 7-1707 Bar. lease hold rights. 55000. Grossing between $2000 82500 mo. Lease 5 yrs.

with 5 sr. option. $250 mo. Has liv. art's.

Carothers. Southland Realty, BR 6-6961. eves. Sun. BR 6-9375 $150 DN BAL $15 MO.

Conere hlork store Total $5.895 SELLWELL REALTY. 2001 Hadley AT. SMALL cafe East Buren. owner leaving won's offer. Biscoe Realty, 2330 Buren.

A1. 2-2841. NEED working general Insurance A $12.000 Investment Box 30-QX. Republic and Gazette Properous Launderette Best NE location. traffic.

real profit maker. equipped. low rent. with s6000 down, Broker CR BR 50102 ROOT BEER This stand in Superior will net volt $7500 in 10 Franchise for Nite traitor area, place behind, building. Shopping center being built nost door A real, noportunity.

exclusive with us. Nayfor Realtv 165 E. Main. Mosa. WO 4-7383.

DRIVE- IN for owner. WT 3-1149. before 0:13 a 11 GOOD opportunity for sineone to 120 111 business for who wants himself. Mexican, restaurant sale lease on Central. AL 8-9347 AM WANTED Active nt' inactive partner for one nf the finest restaurants NE license, 510.000 section with red.

only minimum (A princinles net Low dn pmnt. NICE small American Land R. 11 Harris. AL 2-9263. GOOD estah-1 fished five years donondable income.

takes only DArT me weeklit $7.000. Box Republic And Gazette FOR Lease- with beer And wine license Nice living quarfors. An $1800 to take over. $200 monthly rent Includes and partly furlicer se fixture nished apartment North Country Club Drive Most. SACRIFICING cafe ker.

AT. 2-9116 Neighborhood Grocery Close in. Low inventory. 5120 mo rent A real money maker for a 1:11 wife Income Property zoned 1 71:100 A real buy Call Paul Tallman ANI 1-9790. JOHNSON JOHNSON 143 M-Dowell Realtors A1.88051 -8 BAR CHEVRON GAS STATION DANCE 1A1.1 3 BDRM LIVING OTES.

8 ACRES OF LAND ON HIGH NEAR $8000 DOWN Blaine Realty---Realtors AL3-8763 (Open N. 7th St seats 45. CAFE. terminal area 5100 Daily Average, terms Broker AM 5-1858 Business Opp. White Mt.

area. service station, cafe cabins. In center of expanding community, Good year around business Doing large volume. Ill health forres urgent sale on liberal terms or trade for land or 1st mtgs. Complete details at Steffey Lawther Mile West of Apache Junction YU 6-1704 WO 4-1216 W0 4-3703 Dandy No.

7 lic. N. F. $3755 dn. Low rent, good terms.

Bar $100. Write or wire 244 South Washington Avenue, Prescott, No. 9 liquor. growing area, 500 plus inventory, CASTLE REALTY CO. 6511 N.

7th St. OR 7-4897 CAFE in cool North country. Seats cellent equipment. Very clean. Good sear round bustTwo an operate Owner Long.

Williams, Arizona, Phone 310-W. TAVERN No. well equipped. Good neighborhood YE 7-3929. AREA'S most well known Bar and lovely completely furnished home in city's finest living environment.

Bar completely recently redecorated. No. 6 license, if right party obtai able. Lease Rental on ALL EDITIONS The Arizona Republic Sunday, July 20, 1958 13 56-Business Opportunities SMALL cafe, cheap rent. sale or trade for house trailer.

706 East Mohave. WILL BUY For cash any kind ct businessStock anywhere in Machinery Arizona. Equipment Write PO Box 2408 Phoenix. Call AL 8-6981. SAWS MOWERS LOCKS CYCLES Here is a dandy business in Phoenix that we sold to present owners six years ago.

It has been very profitable all this time, but now illness is forcing them to sell. Owner will teach buyer the business, and it can be bought including business. building. small house and lot. for only $20.000.

and less than one-half down. Call today for appointment to see. CLEVENGER REALTY Northwest Office AP 8-3563 5016-R. West Indian School Rd. In the patio of shopping center STATION and garage for lease on main highway.

Buy stock, around $1500 to handle. WE59833. WANTED to buv Fire. Auto. Casualiy insurance agency in Phoenix area, CR.

7-1461. Investors Attention! Choire West Camelback business today's market on frontage. land Will and sell build- at building. 90' ing Lease back from buyer 8400 per 5 vears. A tremendous investment for the future.

Principals onlv. please. WT 3-7802. GOOD money making business. all full cash sales.

nice profit. eigher or part time business. Box 49-QX. Republic and Gazette. ASSOCIATE who will furnish good truck and $2500 for interest in a deal with terrific potential.

Box 86-WK. Republic and Gazette. CAFE. seats 49. nice equinment.

business. Refrigerated cooling. Good 5-1858. N. Central office 4815 N.

Central CR. 7-3366 Sun. Eves AL 3-4937 TWO Young men interested acfive business proposition. Business and management experience. Invest capital plus full participation.

Box 15-MD. Republic and Gazette. HARDWARE Store in growing northwest Phoenix. just right for counle. OR 4-1452.

FOR. sale only. due to illness, modern 9-DUmD service station selling maior brands. Two lube. one wash bav.

Land included Not for lease 1024 27th Avenue. MOTELS. free list. 100 bargains. long terms.

free photos. CONTINENTAL 1102 Grand. K. C. Mo.

SANDWICH Shop and delicatessen in growing Prescott on main thorouzhfare near lizht Industrial Zones. Ample Parking. Low overhead 420 East Sheldon. Prescott. DRUG Store and Variety Store location Shopping available in Flagstaff Center.

Large Super Market and nine other businesses already established Write M. S. Sauer. Box 248. Flagstaff.

FINANCIAL Contracts. Underwriters. Brokers. Private Finders of Capital reached. No shopping.

Confidential FREE ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATES 817 51st Street. Brooklyn. New York CAFE. No. 7 License.

$200 Daiaverage Show Books. Broker AM 5-1838. FREE Catalog. Contains hundreds of businesses. farms and income properties throughout U.S..

Canada. Specify type and location desired. Deal direct with owners. I. Buvers Digest.

1608 Hillhurst. Dept. 25. Los Angeles 25. California, CONTRACTORS A Need help! Working partners wanted with $5000 or more (no less r.

Must have construction background. Would like merger with two small contractors to make efficient and successful company which has been incorporated three vears Box 49-WK. Republic and Gazette. GROCERY MARKET can operate. Liv.

Qtrs. Low rent Reports over $45.000 in '57. Low dn. EZ terms on bal. MATTINGLY REALTY 40 YRS IN ARIZ REAL ESTATE CR72603 DEPARTMENT STORE Does over $30.000 per yr.

Fast growing community. Will sell for cost of inventory under $15.000. PETER DAVIDSON REALTY 8946 N. 7th St. WI 3-4212 OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN PROPERTY LICENSE LICENSE COCKTAIL BAR LEASE 79 PACKAGE STORE HERON'S 40 YRS.

IN ARIZ. REAL ESTATE BY OWNER Hardware Variety One of the best in Phoenix. Located in busy shopping center. Plenty off -street parking. Old established business.

Original owner. Grossing $135 to $150,000 yr. Good lease. $30,000 dn to qualified buyer. For further write Box 88-WK, Republic and Gazette.

ASSOCIATE Exceptional Opportunity A well known wholesaler, producer, is expanding its sales division and will grant exclusive sound territory, individual rights to a financially on a proven moneymaker. Experience not necessary, bona fide sales outlets established. Design or construction ability helpful. Several territories open. Inventory only investment.

Call: D. W. Hines, Bali Hi Motel. Mon. Tues.

LAUNDROMAT- with ownor. on this money making business. CP 1-2563. TRADE or sell. In southwest Missouri.

shop. Ozarks, on Highway 60. pump station. tavern. Sunday beer.

10 miles from dry Oklahoma. Level 10 acre plot. large parking lot. two modern apartments. 7 and 4 rooms.

1 mile from All- American city Neosho. Missouri. Write Box 313. Rt. 2.

Nensho. Missouri. VARIETY store for sale or will sell pronertv and building only. AT, 4-1016. Monday.

EXPERIENCED mine onerator. geologist. knows of gold -silver. also mercury properties that can he arouired as basis for corporate netivity. Reouires financial backIng.

Box 71-WK. Republic and Gazette 40 ACRES. or any part. A1 residence or business. center of Cavecreek.

or near main hwy, Easy terms. MILES L. VERMEERSCH 1215 Van Buren BR 5-5181 BEAUTIFUL. new ice cream store. finest location.

Ideal for 111 0 couples to operate. This has been estahliched to sell. tow rent. CR. 9-0815.

PANCHO'S Wickenburg selling western wear. gifts, jewelry and curios. A great onportunity for Call Mr. Coxwell at AM or MI tual 4-2018. TAVERN.

No. 7. good business. off street parking. terms.

Broker AM LAUNDRY. 8 Automatics. 10 Maytag Conventionals. Good business forms Broker AM 5-1858. DRIVE-IN for Sale.

Soft ice cream. sandwiches. short orders. No experience necessary. will train Rotiring.

2334 East McDawall Road. WANT to contact party interested in starting building stone business. Also pre-mix concrete, mortar and plaster. Prefer some one to manage and sell. Have deposits.

Box 87 WK. Renuhlic and Gazette. FOR sale. good copper prospects. Commission paid to broker, Box 90-WK Republic Gazette.

PACKAGE Liquor Store -Retail. US Hiways. Colorado. Estab. Ished 20 vears.

including brick building: nice home. Priced right. Reo. 6 West 10th. Kansas City, Missouri.

DO TOWN confectionery. Ideal money-maker for couple. No Good potential. Box 81-WK Republic Gazette, TRADE stock and fixtures S.1000 for home or property, Gro9001 West Hadley, RESORT Lodge management has attractive offer for individual or individuals with $5.000 or more. who would like capital stock interest and directorship in corpor: ation.

Rustic lodge with beautiful canyon at back door. Small lake in canyon and pent house included in plans for what can be a bonanza. Must hurry on this Write Box 92-WK. Republic and Gazette immediately. GOLD MINE MARKET Ant.

area- no competition. illness forces sale. Buy for inventory, Red hot value NE. Sun Realty 2301 N. 32nd St.

LITTLE GOLD MINE -Lodge in heart. of recreation Beer Coolest snot in Oak Creek Canyon. litense. on lodge with restaurant. grocery store living quartors.

Three cabin rentals. Creek hiwav frontage. Bar-B-Q pit. This is a real live spot. and shows good income Sacrifice for immediate sale.

$6,000 cash. It interested act now! KELLER REALTY (Next to Sedona Lodge) AT 2-3586 BARBERSHOP for rent. across from Aluminum plant. AP 8-8843. MACHINE and tool shop.

Sell or lonse 1120 East Washington. DEPARTMENT store, good location. Stork at inventory. Reasonable rent or sell buildings. AL35786.

GROCERY store with meats. license. 4329 North 16th Street. WANTED to lease, rest home, North or Northeast. Capacity large enough to show nice margin.

CR 4-4243. BOARDING Arizona county seat city. 23 rooms, on modates 50. Lease building. Terms Ren.

6 West 10th. Kansas City. Missouri, 56-Business Opportunities Ci -Broiled burgfood. soft ice cream. On busy street.

$6,000 will handle. Save $1.000 by dealing with owner. For information write Box 40-QX. Republic and Gazette. TOP MONEY MAKERS CHOSEN WITH CARE Practice Accounting Established for over 13 years.

Gross profit $28.000 last year and will be considerably more in 1958. Total price is $19,500 is firm. A minimum of $10,000 cash is required. and the balance to be paid out of gross profit in a 3 year period. Price includes equipment, books and clientele.

All information is confidential, and books are open only to principals who can meet the above requirements. Auto Service Center Nets over $10.000. Parts. equipment and business is for sale at $26,000. with $8.000 down and the balance on terms to a qualified buyer.

Located on a main artery, near shopping district, this is one of the most outstanding business opportunities. Books are open to serious investor who wants a going business. Automobile Car Wash Located on main traffic artery, doing a progressive business, this modern equipped Car Wash offers an excellent investment opportunity for outright sale, or an active partner. Total participation is $75,000. with terms tailored to suit a qualified purchaser.

Partnership details for A $10.000 investment can be worked out on a share basis. Principals only, Ladies Wear Drive-In Ladies Wear Excellent lease in hearty of good business section. year performance record. A going, profitable business in a clean store. $4,000 buys business.

Inventory extra only if desired. Drive-In Located on one of Nets city's best. $900 and busiest. streets. to $1,000 mo, $19,500 on terms.

CALL DUDLEY RYAN. (EVES SUN.) WH 5-1932) DON WOODS REALTY INVESTMENT COUNSELORS 444 Camelback West CR 7-4811 priced to sell. See at 9112 SMALL cafe. doing good business. North 7th Street.

Conley's Cafe. WI 3-7638. Monday, LAUNDRY. 12 Automatics. rug washing equipment.

AM 5-1858. good business, WILL sell or trade business terms, Broker time, which at could nresont it ambitious be part exrenuires onlv panded into a terrific business. for income property or $15.000. acreage valued at approximately CR 4-7317. BUSINESS "Specialists" RESTAURANTS We have 3 each entirely different-each a money makerone a business man's lunch netting $1000 per self service drive in- strategically located, also netting $1000 per mo--the third sells pizza Re beer along with a wholesale route has a great future.

NO. 6 BARS We have 2 bars that are doing good business- they are priced to sell--investment return in short time--these will go fast. LIQUOR STORES We have 3 ranging in price from $45.000 to $100.000 can prove that they are worth the money- one is exceptional for an investor. DRY CLEANING 4 new offering--one of the best equipped plants in Phoenix- catering to the best. clientele you couldn't beat this location.

opportunity again, By appointment only. VALLEY of the SUN Land and Investment 2501 N. CENTRAL 4 AL 2-3964 Sunday CR 4-3010 FOREIGN CAR AGENCY Absolutely the best deal in Phoenix- you'll never get this RECESSION ONE or parties, seek business with future, individual or partnership. Any interesting proposal Box 16-MD, Republic and Gazette. LIGHT groceries, sandwiches.

licatessen, two can operate. Bargain $3.950. AL 8-9579. WONDERFUL opportunity for mechanically minded party with sales ability. Grosses fully show equipped repair shop and room.

Reduced to sell cause of heart condition. Inventory and fixtures. Terms. CR 4-1302. WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat and Hobby Shop combined.

000. Box 19-MD. Republic and Gazette, TRAILER Sales: Exceptional annual net. Priced below annual earning including new and used inventory. Owner retiring.

Box 20-MD, Republic and Gazette. PROOF This ending June 1st. 1958. shows the greatest volume for this mfg. business in 35 years of operation.

The nature of this business absolutely guarantees growth according to population. there is a minimum of competition. a maximum of security and the business practically runs by itself. It's as SURE as life, death. and taxes.

Owner retiring and willing to sell only to qualified buyer that has a minimum of $87.500 cash. There is no other obligation unless you are convinced you can make $40,000 per yr, WE BELIEVE THIS IS THE GREATEST DEAL IN THE STATE OF ARIZONA TODAY. PHIL NEIMAN Real Estate Broker CR 4-0837 RESTAURANT In Phoenix on Hiway 80. Counter tables. Very clean attractive bdrm brick next door.

$1000 dn. Total price $3750. EMPIRE REALTY 727 E. McDowell Al, 4-1401 MONEY MAKER Tavern Excellent N.E. location.

A tavern with modern fixtures. Kitchen equipped for sandwiches. Ask for SIMMONS GOOD MONTHLY GROSS. personally. ED POST REALTY "FOR SAFE INVESTMENTS" First National Bank Bldg.

407 N. Central Ave. AL, 4-71733 Office open Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

BEST SMOKE SHOP This is truly the largest business of its kind in Phoenix. Choice downtown location, Over $50.000 volume in '57. only $18,000. Tony RIMSZA Realty 4426 Osbrn WH54505 ev AM56652 Worth Investigating Liquor Licenses Nos. 4-5-6-7-8-9-10 License $900.

Liquor Store NE $49.000 14 dn. Cocktail Lease -money maker. License sale or lease. Lease Lic. Pinal Cty.

$250 mo. Trade Tav for acreage S-SW. Liq drive-in, $15.000 inv. Tavern. NE.

$3.000 dn. Tavern W. Side Property all including nice littie kitchen. good eqpt. walk-in box.

Grossing over $2.500 per mo. Owns his own machines, juke box. cigarettes, pool etc. Total $22,000. terms.

Lease Dntn. Grossing close to $100.000. well good $10.000 0 pius inventory will handle. Long lease. Best Buy in Arizona Cocktail with dancing.

lease at ridiculously low figure. topnotch figures. Grossing over $75.000. It's a honey! A real money WE SPECIALIZE IN Taverns. Bars.

State Liquor Lic. other bus. opportunities. SHRAGGE REALTY 1811 E. Indianola AM 6-5226 Service Station 9 pumps.

2 lube bays. 2 stall garage. Ideal for operator mechanie. 3002 N. 24th St.

Price right. Call the Want Ad Dept. 1 to 5 p.m. Today The Want Ad Counter is closed all day Sunday. Telephones open from I P.M.

to 5 P.M. ONLY! Phone AL 8-8861 "The Direct Line to Classified" Use REPUBLIC and GAZETTE WANT ADS FOR RESULTS 56-Business Opportunities $5,000 DOWN DRIVE- IN CAFE Situated on Coolidge Hiway-nr. schls-well established- -no competition--good return- -owner says sell- will consider trade on trailer! bdrm home near Phx. -easy terms on balance. UTTER REALTY WH 5-2609 MAN WANTED FOR EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE DISTRIBUTORSHIP No experience necessary, to demonstrate and sell nationally automotive air tools and equipment.

Large territory. opportunities unlimited. waiting market. above average income and repeat business. Man selected will receive factory training, ASsistance and financing plan in territory.

One hundred -cent financing not necessary As low as $835.45 will handle. For interview with company rep. Write, giving qualifications and phone number to Sav-T-Lift Eng. Co. 11848 W.

Jefferson Culver City. California, GOOD buy for right party, 1. interest in the Apache Trail Riding Stables. "Guide service into Superstition Mountains. Selling because of ill health.

Write. J. C. Martin, P.O. Box 177.

Apache Junction. WANTED: Associate 1-3 interest in large Phoenix Motel to be built immediately. Box 53-QX. Republic and Gazette. SALE or Lease: Wikieup Coffee Ideal for and wife.

F. R. Shon on fast, growing Hiway 93. Heric. Wikieup, Arizona.

NO. 7 TAVERN: investigate. It's got to gO. Tony's Totem Pole. $14,500 terms.

AM 6-0955. CR 4-9435. 57-Money Wanted Secured Investment Builder needs interim funds for development of apartment subdivision in excellent Phoenix loca-1900 tion. secured. Plans buyers waiting.

Call AM 5-9478 ol' AM 5-6717. Phoenix Mortgage Co. for Title Insured First Mortgages Residential Income Short Mid-Term Serviced Collected Descriptive folder request 213 N. 1st or call AL 2-6565 HAVE made new uranium find. need capital immediately Write 1802 East Cheery Lynn.

FINANCING needed immediately to purchase, 80 top dairy cows. Good security, good repayment at top interest. ME 4-8878, Cottonwood. Arizona. We have a selection of 1st Mtzes.

that will earn an investor INTEREST. These are all A.T.A. title insured. Complete info. on request.

Security Mortgage Co. 421 N. Central AL 8-6077 FOR SALE. second contracts. practically new homes, South Phoenix.

$11.500 face value. $3500. BR 6-9111. WANT someone to finance a piano and musical instrument Good proposition. BR 5-2911 or write Post Office Box 5272.

Phoenix. 1ST Contract $14.000 a $200 per $16.000 contract $200 per month. Discount. AL. 4-8748.

INDIVIDUAL desires borrow on highway frontage. industrial lot. Payable per month. Life long residents. excellent established credit.


AL. 3-8028 Eves, AM 6-7824 O'Brien Investment Co. 1141 W. McDowell AL 2-1121 $3000 1st $33 mo int dis. $3826 1st $50 mo int.

dis. $3877 845 mo dis. $4800 1st $800 pa int dis. $14691 1st $100 mo int dis. $14717 1st $100 mo int dis.

WANT private party with capital to invest. Two bedroom. half acre choice northeast location, top interest. AM 6-8740. SECOND mortgage.

$1.080 at Make offer. YE 7-3366. TWO each $2000 2nd title contracts. Payable at $20 month at 8 Will discount AP 8-7238. FIRST mortgage contract.

$50 per month. Will discount. AL 3-3457 PRIVATE party wants to borrow $7000 Good 1st mortgage. will pay interest. Good house, vicinity 5th Street and Moreland.

Box 81- WK. Republic and Gazette. 58-Money To Loan LOANS $25 TO $600 60 MINUTE SERVICE UINTA FINANCE CO. 7 W. McDowell AL 2-3951 Let us make a free appraisal of vour property or prints.

We make Mtg. Loans on most anything Promptly Efficiently Call AL 4-9284 MARICOPA MTGE. CO. INC. 716 N.


1141 McDowell. Ph. AL 2-1121 LOANS on jewelry Guns, Cameras. etc. No delay.

nified and confidential. THE FAIRWAY. 45 S. 1st Avenue NEED CASH QUICK? for vacation. clothes car repair.

or consolidating all your bills We have a Dian 1 to suit your needs. CALL CLYDE HAINES CASH FINANCE CO. 39 Adams 2nd Fir AL 8-5369 PUBLIC FINANCE CORP. 21 Jefferson AL 8-4521 Real Estate Loans New Construction Land (Farm or Desert) Remodeling Refinancing Free Estimate Appraisal Phoenix Mortgage Co. 213 N.

1st Ave. AL 2-6565 MORTGAGE LOANS LOW RATES-FREE APPRAISALS Southwest Mortgage Co. 1230 E. Camelback 7-5471 Sat. 'til 12 Week ends CR 4-4472 Real Estate Loans NOW AVAILABLE Your house need not LOW RATES-FREE APPRAISALS Farm Home 2225 N.

16th St AL 8-7951 MORTGAGE LOANS NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODEL REFINANCE CONSOLIDATE LOW INT-FAST SERVICE FREE ESTIMATE APPRAISAL Security Mortgage Co. 121 Contra N. BUY BUILD or refinance vour home, call Southwest 1st Savings Luan AL Ass'n. 130 Ave. Phone 8-7137 CASH for 1st 2nd mtges Cont Fast.

LIST with LISTER BR 5-1210 MONEY FOR MORTGAGES or teal Estate contracts. Bernhard Realty CR 7-7456 3401 N. 7th St. AL 2-3356' 59-Personals GARDENER, AL 2-2441, service. BR 5-3358.

TREES trimmed or removed. AL 2-3534. REUPHOLSTER divan and chair, $49.50. We furnish fabrics. Nothing down $5 month.

AL 8-1407 CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR BILLS 58-Money To Loan MORTGAGE MONEY Now available tor homes. financing, land, farms. business. and livestock AL8-8250 MORTGAGE LOANS BOARDMAN'S INC. Mortgage Insurance Agencies AL 8-7831 1421 N.

1st St. MONEY to Mtg. Trust. AM 6-8403. NEED MONEY Your home need not be clear OPEN 'TIL 9.

AM51454 Friedman-939 Missouri HIGHEST PRICES PAID for first mtges, and title co. contracts. Immediate service. Security Mortgage Co. 421 N.

Central AL 8-6077 READY CASH PRIVATES CASH TO CONTRACTS. BUY I 1st Pay high possible prices. See me before you sell-More money to you. J. L.

Misenheimer Arizona Mortgage Inv. Co. 816 Title Trust Bldg. AL 8-1017 New Car Loans from The Bank of Dougias is the lowest cost in Arizona! PRIVATE capital on 1st. 2nd mortgages-contracts.

Broker. WO 7-4831. Auto Furniture Really, Loans VALLEY INVESTMENT CO. Extra hours for your convenience Sat. 'til 1 P.M.: Mon.


WO 7-4831 MONEY EASY TO GET on your Furniture. Car. Livestock, Diamonds. etc. Pay back monthly, THE WAY TO FIGHT financial worries is to pay a quick call at our office.

or phone and arrange for a debt. consolidation loan up to $1,000 ARIZONA CREDIT CO. 1736 E. McDowell AL 8-8981 PRIVATE PARTY WILL PURCHASE FOR IMMEDIATE CASH. MORTGAGES, CONTRACTS.

CR 7-8051. 3-D LOANS You get $100 on your note if you can repay $6 per month; get $600-repay $34 mo. Exclusive 3-D protection. Quick Personal. Little Loans Corp.

Offices. See or phone one Downtown: 243 1st Av AL45656 Uptown: 4819 N. Central AM68471 Northwest: 4834 27 Av CR47251 In Mesa: 439 Main St WO48604 MORTGAGE MONEY available for property of all types. BR 6-1640. MORTGAGES Lend $12.800 pays $260 mo.

5 yr. term on S. Central comm. corner. Appraised value $25,000.

Lend $10.000 pays $150 yrs. on improved corner-2 main' Phx. strs. Value $20.000. Lend $8.000 pays int.

quarterly. secured by trust in local bank. Bank assessment will repay in 22 months. (AAA) Gilbert Sullivan Mtg. Co.

1230 E. Camelback CR 9-1841 59-Personals WALL WASHING Painting reasonable. BR 5-4918 CARPENTER repair, remodel, coolers repacked and serviced. Painting or out. AL 4-4369.

DRESSMAKING. alterations. reasonable. BR 5-4844. CHILD care.

WI 3-3119. COOLER service. CR 4-2971 RON NG. in my home. BR 5-1660, BR 5-2998.

UPHOLSTERING Special rates on all upholstering this month We will take your old davenport or favorite chair remodel it. to any style you wish. We have a large selection of materials to choose from. Our uDholsterers are all experienced craftsmen. SPECIAL FOR NEXT 10 DAYS WITH THIS AD.

1 davenport chair. remodeled into late 2 cushion iob. upholstered in beautiful genuine naugahyde. many colors to choose from. Total price incl.

labor materials $149.50. Al's Shop. 3222 E. Van Buren BR 5-6410. FIRST -CLASS block and brick work.

31 years experience. Wel specialize in flagstone patios and planter boxes. BR 6-3526. HAVE ranch on rim above Payson Horsenack riding every day in Arizona's most beautiful pines. Can accommodate 4-6 teenage for 1- weeks in August.

ReasonAble rates. For full information call HUnter 8-3341. ARIZONA ROOFING CO. all your roofing needs. 1522 W.

Jackson AL3-6842 VOICE TRAINING. Improve any voice for singing speech. CR 4-1818. TIRED of paint peeling in the shower area. Have metal tile installed 4' high around bathtub for only $49.

CR 4-8537. FRIENDLY child care, refrigerated home. Balanced luncheons. AM 5-5262. 1843 East Highland.

HAVE quality saddle string. equipment. wranglers, for winter season. State terms. Tom Butterfield.

Foxton, Colorado DRAFTING and civil engineerincluding building calculation. YE 7-3366. LAWN, yard work. 2-1636. BOB'S HOME SERVICE Coolers! Carpenter repair! Painting! Paper Hanging! AL 3-3671.

FINE carpet cleaning. 5c square foot. guaranteed. Phone AL 3-4833 or BR 5-0419. CARPENTER.

experienced repair. remodeling. Free estimates. $1.75 hour. CR 7-7816.

PAINTING and paperhanging. BR 5-2662. DANCING instruction, 10 lessons $4. AL 2-0275. PAINTING -non-union AL 2-3542.

YARD WORK. AM 6-4702. WANT someone to crochet. must be neat. AL 8-2180.

PARTY to reside in home dur. ing August or longer in exchange for home care. References required. AL 4-1860. A LING jobs any kind.

WI 3-8584. CHILD care. my home, fenced yard WH 5-4627. 2253 North 74th Way. IS your fence protected? Let us preserve the beauty of your redwood fence at a reasonable rate.

CR 4-1500 or CR 4-4638. PATCHING plaster, stucco. WE 6-3695 PAINTING. A Average house $100. work Guaranteed.

BR 6-9819. LAWV ser ice. Your price. AL 8-4608. CHILD care.

AM 5-8896. DRAPERIES new and restyled. Experienced. AL 4-2756. CHILD care, my home.

AM57391. FORD F730 tractor and A-1 sober driver ready to go to work for you. Long or short hauls. Please call. AM 6-2709.

RUMMAGE sale. 419 East Washington, today thru July 27th. Thousands of items. 5c, 10c, 25c, unbelievabie bargains, come early. SMALL nursery for babies.

Licensed. References. AM 6-4927. PAINTER, sprayer. AL CEMENT block.

WT 3-1172. WALLS washed. windows. Professionals. BR 6-2895.

OPEN private country home to your retarded child. Day nursery. trained. licensed. kindergarten Box proRepublic and Gazette.

CHILD reasonable. AP 8-9469. DRYWALL, texturing, taping, painting--interior and exterior, -wall and floor. AL 3-7326. I CEMENT work.

up to buy your materials. hire me by hour to set finish cement, 10 years experience. Into one small payment. a low cost service. have one place to Day.

No co-signers or dorsers required. NOT A LOAN CO. 11 North 2nd Room 216 AL 8-8259 AP 8-6731. CEMENT work--rough carpentry handyman. Small jobs.

AL 4-4914. MAYS Brothers 24 hour truck service, Cheap hauling. AL3-6870. REASONABLE plumbing, repair. BR 5-1225.

Rite Way Home Cleaners Walls washed by mach. Rugs shampooed uph. yr home. Firs. polished.

Reas. est. AL21995 UPHOLSTERING- German master upholsterer. 3-2005. TRASH hauling.

AL 2-3534. CARPENTER. additions, remodeling. dry wall. tile floors.

George. AP 8-0111. Visit Our New Address To GET OUT OF DEBT It in debt and payments in arrears LOWEST priced yard man in town. AL 3-4828. CHILD care WI 3-6707 HAULING trash.

miscellaneous. YE 7-4560 PAINTING. interior. exterior. Average room $15.

paint and labor. arrange to handle on payments you can afford. No security or endorsers. Not a loan Co. A low service.

One place to pay. FRONTIER ADJ. CO. 128 N. 1st Ave.

Ariz. Title Bldg FURNITURE reglued. repaired, refinished. recaned. Alexander McLeod, AM 5-4511.

TREES removed AL 2-3534. ABUNDAVITA. WI 3-1331. WI 3-6368, Ranch. BOYS boarded, Triple IRONING, $1.25 per dozen.

5-2656. BR 5-6176. SWIMMING lessons. WI 3-5819. PLUMBING, repairs.

Coolers. AM 6-5396. Adams. SEWING machines repaired. All makes, 24 years with White Company, 12 with Singer, year guarantee.

4127 North th'31st Avenue, CR 7-7768 Free estimates. SHUTTERS custom made sonable. CR 7-8211, CR 4-6948. SOMEONE to manage apartments in exchange for rent. WH 5-3852.

RUBBISH hauling. AL 2-6232. TRASH hauling. AL 2-6232. COOLER service, AL.

2-6232. TREE trimming Al, 2-6232. LAWN mowing yard work and light hauling. YE 7-3549. ALL types of appliances repaired, guaranteed service.

work done your home. AL 4-3032. WANTED excellent care in nice, gentleman. private Box home 4-QX, for Republic elderly and Gazette. WILL board children, infants preferred BR 6-2306.

Licensed. IRONING, BR 5-6773. CEMENT work, floors, foundations. patios, drives. curbs, Experienced.

AL 3-9572. CARPENTER work wanted. Non-union. WO 7-2394. CHILD care, my home, fenced yard.

will pick up if necessary. AP 8-9214, 3811 West Lewis. CHILD care in my home. Day or evening BR 5-2835 PLUMBING new repairs. outside city.

AL 4-9823 PIANO instructions. Mrs. Eberle -8512 North 27th Drive. LAW service. Your price.

AL 8-4608. CARPENTER-cabinets and finishing. AM 6-4717. PAINTING. exterior.

interior. Reasonable. BR 5-4536. CHILD care. WI 3-6011.

CARPENTER. cabinet work. Reasonable, AL 3-4369. UPHOLSTERING Furniture repairing. AL4-9864.

TYPING done in my home, YE 7-5296. A. C. ROMERO. Additions.

modeling, new construction. residential. small commercial. Free estimates Licensed. bonded.

BR 6-3457. PAINTING. Reasonable. or, exterior. BR 5-4802.

DUKE FOR BEAUTY Cold wave. $5. Radio wave $10. 16. W.

Adams. do AL 2-6381. CR 4-7191 CHILD care. my home, West Phoenix. AP 8-4553.

FINE lawn care, dependable. AP 8-5730. 15 YEARS experience. plumbing. painting, carpentry.

Speciality apartment and motels. References. BR 5-0995 ask for Al Marsh. I BABY SIT WITH ANYONE. ANYTHING.

ANYTIME ANYWHERE. Enjoy carefree week ends. Leave, your children, pets. home, invalids. or any emergency in my conscientious.

dependable care. Required transportation. cellent references. Reasonable rates. AL 2-1444.

CHILD care, Scottsdale. WH 5-6498. IRONING. AM 5-5364. Carpenter-Painter.

CR 4-6417. TILE installed Floor or wall. Reasonable, BR 5-9509. COMPLETE renovating. AP 8-9644.

YE 7-2476 LITTLE Bunk House Nursery vites your inspection. 538 West Oregon, CR 9-2141. TOP son. fIll dirt, granite. tractor work.

AM 5-6181. CHILD care. AL 4-7918. PAINTING. specializing in apartments.

cleanup, save your money. WI 3-9370. MOWING. trimming. seeding.

fertilizing, cleanups, AL 8-8511, YE 7-3322. COOLER service-repair-installation. WI 3-1057. PAINTING interior -exterior. Also, drywall- taping texturing.

Free estimate. AP8-5317. WI3-0470. ALTERATIONS. AM 5-9992.

FENCE OR PATIO? No headaches with a masonry fence. Beautiful design. Free mates. CR 4-5655. PIANO tuning.

CR 7-4657. JUST THIS EASY SIGN YOUR DEED GET CASH Mister Homebuyer CR 7-9511 GENERAL, auto repairs, and valve jobs. 2111 West Grant. AL 8-0743. CHILD care, day or night.

Street -East Coronado. AL 4-8736. COOLER service. AL 3-5478. WASHING.

ironing. Neat dependable. 1931 East Monte Vista. apartment 3. after 5 D.

AL 4-8647. CHILD care. AL 3-6217. SEWING. children's clothes.

specialty. Jeannette. Also ironings. AP. 8-0111.

PAINTING. AL 2-2041. Reupholster Now! Ariz's Best! Special! Top quality fabrics workmanship at bottom prices! Budget Upholstery CR77511. PAINTING. Reasonable, AL47702 CHILD care.

CR 4-2651. TREE work of all kinds. ping. pruning. hauling.

Valley Tree 3021 Lauren Lane WI 3-5979. SEWING machines. repaired. adjusted AL 3-1389. BALLROOM dance instruction.


Free estimate. YE 7-9665. service. Your AL 8-4608. DEPENDABLE lady.

daywork. AL 3-9916 CHILD care, day or CR 4-2651. SPRAY painting Fence roof oiling. Cliff. YE 7-5033.

SEWING lessons. WH 5-6498 PAINTING, Interior exterior. Patio roofs built. Reasonable. CR 9-2212.

UPHOLSTERING. expert prompt service. Pakan. WI YARD work. all BR 5-3966.

LAWN SERVICE, twelve experience. CR 4-6693. HAULING. cleanup. Reasonable.

AL 2-2258. DRAPERIES, AL 3-1845, HAIR removal. permanent. UR 4-7450 A.M 6-0554 CHILD care -my home. AM HAULING.

general cleanup BR 6-1258. CHILD care, 2 children. day night. In my home. 3814 9th Place.

AM 6-5394. PIANO lessons. beginning advanced. at 4425 North Street. CR 7-9231 CEMENT patios, flagstone becues.

Carports. CR 4-5203. We buy diamonds, old Wash. A AL LAWNS. BR 6-3376.

PLASTER. patching, painting. AL. 3-7406. TREES removed cheap.

BR56150 CEMENT work. Patio carports; blocks. carpentry. or remodeling. AM 5-3830.

60-Freight Transportation HERTZ Truck Rentals 24th St. Jett. Al.34166-Insured CARS delivered anywhere in $95 most distant point AL 60-Freight Transportation LOWEST Truck rates in Phx. See us before you rent. Southwest Auto Lease.

605 N. Central. AL 4-9498. Trans61-Passenger portation CARS available to Rapid City, So. Dakota, gas allowance.

AL 3-3331. AAA DRIVE AWAY AGENCY Cars delivered anywhere in U.S. $95 or less. AL 3-3331. Motor Vehicles picked up or delivered-anywhere! Average cost $95 OUR DRIVERS BONDED Nation Wide Drive Away 350 N.

2nd Ave. -AL. 3-3709 LATE model cars most all points. drive as your own. AL32931 CARS available to Portland Seattle.

AL 3-3331. This is not amployment. CARS available to most points In 1.S. Phone AL 3-3331 DRIVING to Dallas, August 1st. Take two.

WE 5-9107. LEAVING for Muskogee, Oklahoma, Monday. Take 2 or 3. Share expenses. 1409 South 19th Drive.

LEAVING July 27th for Springfield. Illinois. Take one to help drive. References. 2307 North Street.

DRIVING pickup to San Diego. Leaving July 24th. Will take passenger (s) or load. Box 79-WK. public and Gazette.

LEAVING for Eastern Iowa July 30 Refrigerated car. take 2-3. WO 4-0533. Mesa. DRIVING to Columbus.

Ohio, August 2nd. Take three or four. Mr. Hubbard. AL 8-8005.

NightsSunday. CR 7-2107. '55 OLDS. Spokane next week. Share references.

3000 West Van Buren. Lot TWO servicemen desire ride to Louisville. Kentucky area. Share driving. expenses.

AM 6-1551, DRIVING to Angeles Sunday night-20th. Will take 2 or 3. CR 4-1552. NEW YORK City. leaving Aug.

1st. Wanted 2 riders. share expenses, WI 3-0221 evenings. CADILLAC convertible. Going to Boston July 30th.

Take one. Share expenses. 727 East Moreland. SEATTLE. Local bustness man will deliver car Seattle vicinity.

Would consider ride "share" basis. Good driver. References. AL 4-4947. LEAVING for Colorado.

Tuesdav. Take 2 or 3. References. WE 5-9447 CARS DELIVERED PROMPTLY -Bonded drivers. Western representative Rapid Service Corp BR.

5-6192. REPUBLIC GAZETTE DIRECTORY BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING NFED help with your accounting tax records? Increase your profit by using our exp, Reasonable rates. CR 9-3790-CR 7-7987. AIR CONDITIONING AirConditioning-Refrigeration Cooler Service -AL 3-2098 REFRIGERATION HEATING EUDY Sheet Metal AL 4-1673 ALCOHOLISM Alcoholics Anonymous Nonprofit PO Box 2741, AL 3-7142. AL 4-8831 AUTO ACCESP.

PARTS BATTERIES, Tires Accessories RAY HINKLE CHEVRON SERV. 504 N. 2nd St. AL 8-5389 AUTO REPAIR Complete auto rebuilding. Johnny Essex, 2002 E.

Van Buren AL 39513 BATH MASSAGE Open Sunday W. Camelback AM 6-7927 Viennese Massage. Steam bath. 40 W. 1st Scottsdale.

WH58781 COLONIAL Massage bath. Open 10-7. 2351 Glendale Av CR90441 DE LUXE Salon. massage and bath. 5132 7th St CR 7-8031.

MASSAGE AND BATH 211 East Roosevelt AL 4-7857 Men Women. Anchor Massage. 330 E. Cmlbk. 10-9.

CR9-3931 Aladdin Massage Bath 10am-9pm re- 5521 N. 7th Ave. CR 7-7527 SAHARA MASSAGE Open Monday to Friday 10 to 210-C E. Taylor AL 8-4482 BARRELS Trash burn barrels $1 Drums--largest selection in Ariz. Ariz Barrel 4225 S.

19 Ave. BEEKEEPING SUPPLIES Complete Beekeeping Supplies. Supers, Frames, Smokers, Vells, Superior Honey Co. AL 2-5102 BOOKS BOOKS, magazines. bought, sold.

exchanged. 2716 West Van Buren. on CABINET MAKING KITCHEN CABINETS. Fixtures, Formica tops, REMODELING GIL SCHUBLE AM 5-3092 CARPENTRY A-1 CARPENTER. Painter.

Reasonable. Reliable, AP 8-1515. Ex- NEW construction. remodeling. carports.

Contractor. AM 6-2851. ADDITIONS REMODELING NO MONEY DOWN, FHA Elmer Schler Contractor CR 7-7409 CARPENTRY AND ODD JOBS REASONABLE AM 5-9579 NEW construction. FHA Terms. FREE ESTIMATES.

BR 5-9222. in- ADDIT'NS, REMODEL PATIO, ROOFS. ANY REPAIRS. CR 4-5849 CEMENT WORK ALL types concrete work. very reasonable.

Free Estimates CR 7-8971. CEMENT drives. patios, carports walks CR 4-2883 Floors Patios Foundations, etc. ESTON SKINNER CR 7-8391 DRIVEWAYS. patios, walks, footings, stems.

No job too large or small, free est. AL 3-7802. PATIOS. FLOORS. DRIVES Curbs, etc.

SAUNDERS, YE 7-4080 Concrete patios, driveways. FHA Financ. Ben Pitts AM 69514 LICENSED concrete contractor. All Free estimate. Watkins, wall 3-7017.

estiCESSPOOLS Cesspool pumping, elec. sewer rooter chemicals, AL 4-7311. CESSPOOL pumping. Evening and Sunday, AL 4-0876. ring Cesspool pumping.

Call us and save. AL 8-8511 Cesspool pumping, dynamite 18th chemicals. Call Woody. AL 3-6064 CONSTRUCTION NEW HOMES REMODELING and Steel Reinforced, Walls. Brick or Const.

Stone Insulated Harrell m. Licensed-25 E. Weldon CR 7-8501 COOLING COOLER PADS SERVICE Sun Valley Cooler Pad 2911 N. 36th St. CR 4 -8221.

Repacked, repaired, installed NORRIS APPLIANCE. BR 5-6203 COOLERS RE-PACKED ROBERTS AIR-CONDITIONING 9828 N. 19th Ave. WI 3-7291 EXP COOLER SERVICE $1 BR 6-3248 H. R.

BENNETT COOLERS AIR CR CONDITIONING 3-1246 Meyer. 24 hr. 7-1731 WI Top- DENTISTS ONE day service on extractions and plates for out-of-town patients. Dr. Edgar B.

Pease, 245 Fox Theater Bldg AL 4-3943. DIRT FILL DIRT HOYT JONES 5-7991 chair TOP FILL DIRT 8-9250 price. ELECTRICAL REPAIR night. WE repair everything electrical. ELORADO SALES SERVICE and 2006 E.

Van Buren AL. 4-4493. FURNITURE REFINISHING All types of finishes. expertly plied. Moderate prices, Repairing.

work. reglueing. Free est. AP 8-9369 3-6489 FORMICA COUNTER TOPS kinds. Attention Builders years Formica Counter Tops GET OUR BID automatic Lin-O-Carpe with all new equipment is now able to give you the quality and price you are looking CR 7-4737.

5-6722 jobs. HAULING FORD F750 tractor and or sober driver ready to go to work North for you. Long or short hauls. Picase call. AM 6-2709.

and 24th Bar- GRANITE Granite, Fill Dirt, Top Grey Granite. Free est. WI 3-7962 gld 2-4670 LANDSCAPING Phoenix Landscaping Co. AL 4-4943 Tractor Work- Top soil -Terms. Valley Landscape Co Leveling Hauling.

Topsoil. Silt. AM 5-5612 floors. LAWNMOWER SERVICE New REPAIRS- -MOWERS. BICYCLES Maintenance Co.


AL 3-2591. CR90031 til 6, CR49693 after 6. TV CALL DAY, NIGHT, SUNDAY All Guaranteed 90 Days Immediate Service AM 6-9031 Tee Vee Service TILE Kitchens. 2834 baths, W. free Polk.

guar. Standley, AP 8-0562 BERENSCHOT-AM 6-7175. Painting need work. Bob Bair. reas.

Free est. AM 61496 PAINTING: interior. exterior. PAPERING. All work guaranteed.

CR 4-0462 after 3 weekdays. Anytime Sat. Sun. PAINTING reasonable. Free est.

Need work, also spraying roofs. fences WI 3-6266. CR 7-0292, Bob Cushman, CR4-3529 PAVING Black top driveways parking lots, Ott Schrimscher. AL 4-2613. PLASTERING PLASTERING -Stucco, New of Repair, Ace Plastering.

AM 6-5461. Plastering, New. Repair. Patch GRANT PIESTER. AL 4-3050 Plastering, stucco Da patch work.

Neatly finished BR 5-5615. PLUMBING TO best fill your plumbing needs Eyre Son Plumbing Contractors. Licensed. bonded BR 6-1460. PERSONALIZED plumbing by Robertson Son, Repairs.

new sewers. Water heaters. BR 5-2451. LICENSED plumber, new remodeling, repairs YE 7-3228. Diamondglas water heaters $56.40 Guaranteed repair work 24 hours.

Tim Foutch Plumbing. AM 6-6490 Plumbing repair specials ALTERATIONS CR 4-0939 NEW sewers a specialty. New water heaters installed, $52.50. ADVANCE PLUMB CO BR 6-6533 PLUMBING NON-UNION CITY LICENSE 15 Yrs. AM 5-3343 PRINTING McGrew PRINTERY.

Since 1890 601 E. Adams St. Phone AL 4-4768 ROOFING RE-ROOFING, repairs, able. 19 yrs. in Phoenix.

CR4-9761 PHILLIPS Roofing Co. in reroofing repairs. CR 4-2761 SAW FILING OHLSON'S SAW SERVICE 9 S. 19th Ave. AL 2-0641 TELEVISION RENTAL New 17-21" TV $20 no extras.

Purch. Optn. TV Furn. AL A 42784 TELEVISION SERVICE TV CALLS, AL 8-3568 TV repairs. rsnbly priced.

g'rant'd. UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING, expert work. prompt service. Pakan WI 3-6489 Reupholstering. Seams double stitched.

Reas. Bileta BR 6-3312 WASHING MACHINES Washers for rent to buy. BILL COLLINS SERVICE 2003 N. 16th St. 4L4-7648 41.4 2236 3621 S.

Central BR 6-9512 WELDING Trailers Dragsters Gilliland's. 1804 Grand 2-0617 TODAY'S VITAL STATISTICS and Classes through 9, Classified Advertising 1 I A-Deaths AND FUNERALS ADAMS. Levi. Arrangements pending. Webber's Eastlake Mortuary.

ASHWORTH, Rhoda Z. Services 10 A.M. Monday, from LundbergHansen Mortuary Chapel. Glendale, The Rev. D.

S. Moore officiating. Interment Resthaven. Visitation afternoon and evening. BAHR.

Larry Roscoe, Services 8:30 A.M. Monday in Memory Chapel A. L. Moore Sons. Interment at Greenwood.

CLARK. Vina Mae. Arrangements pending. Webber's Eastlake Mortuary. COOPER.

Silas. Services conducted by Chaplain A. M. Steensen and the American Legion. 10 a.m.

Monday from Meldrum Mortuary Chapel, Mesa. Visitation at mortuary 4-9 p.m. today. HAMILTON, Lynn B. 6615 North Avenue.

Husband of Auda Hamilton. father of Mrs. Robert G. Shorthouse Phoenix. brother of Miss Esther Hamilton.

Pineville, Odie Rector. Arthur Hamilton. Jonesboro, Atha Hamilton. Jackson. Eugia Hamilton.

Oklahoma City. Okla. Passed Saturday. Services conducted by Rev Culver Nelson 2 p.m. Tuesday in Memory Chapel A.

L. Moore Sons. HANLEY. Marguerite S. Service and interment Detroit.

Michigan. M. L. Gibbons Mortuary. Mesa.

KELLEY, Corine Arrangements pending. Webber's Eastlake Mor- LAUGHLIN, William A. Funeral services 2 p.m. Sunday in Carr Memorial Chapel. Tempe.

ment in Double Butte Cemetery. LAWRENCE. Edna Wright. Services 4 p.m. Monday in Palms The Chapel of Grimshaw Mortuary.

Rev. George A. Boss will officiate. Interment in Greenwood. LeSUEUR.

Ray. Services conducted by Bishop Walter W. Merrill and Chaplain A. W. Steensen 4 p.m.

Monday from Meldrum Mortuary Chapel, Mesa. Visitation at mortuary 4-9 p.m, today. MANUEL, Juana R. Arrangements pending. Larry J.

Melcher Funeral Home. MOWERY, Jesse R. Announcements later by Mercer Mortuary. NEWMARK, Dorothy, Ida. Services 2:30 p.m.

today in Palms Chapel Grimshaw Mortuary. Rabbi Carol Klein will officiate. Interment Beth El. PETERSON, Berniece. Passed away Thursday at home.

She is vived by husband, Ernest; daughMrs. Lea Verton of Detroit: brother, Roy Joyner; sisters. Myrtle Joyner. Mrs. John Marter.

of Seattle. Mrs. Vera King. Palo Alto, California, and two Friends may call Saturday and Sunday evening to 9 p.m. Services Monday 10 a.m.

Paradise Chapel and Funeral Home. Rev. Herbert P. Landes will officiate. Interment Greenwood Memorial Park.

RAND, Coy H. Service and interSouth Bend, Ind. M. L. Gibbons Mortuary.

Mesa. SAPIENt, Thomas. Grimshaw Mortuary. Announcement STUART. Robert L.

Survived by wife. Sophia. Services 11 a.m. Monday, Larry J. Melcher Funeral Home, Reverend Ray T.

Clover officiating. Military rites at Mesa Cemetery. Friends may call this evening from 7-9. TENENBOM. Anna.

p.m. today in Palm Chapel of Grimshaw Mortuary, Rabbi Carol Klein will officiate. Interment in Beth El. VAN CAMPEN, Alice Rebecca, 1145 E. Roosevelt.

Mother of Miss Audra N. Van Campen, Phoenix, Mrs. C. A. Dawngeiger, Kent, Ohio, Mrs.

Ralph C. Wise, Victor L. Campen. Ravenna. Ohio, Rox T.

Van Campen, Cleveland. Ohio. H. L. Van Campen, Phoenix: sister of Mrs.

Kenneth Gray, Colton, Otto Gilerest. San Bernardino, Frank Gilcrest. Hartville, Ohio. Bert Gilerest, Kent. Ohio, passed away Saturday.

7 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren also survive. Arrangements pending. A. L. Moore Sons.

WINDES. Glendora. 2523 E. Monroe. Services 10 a.m.

Monday in Memory Chapel, A. L. Moore Sons. Interment at Double Butte. 2-Card of Thanks WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to the many friends who gave their kindness.

sympathy and beautiful offerings on the death of our beloved husband and father. Walter D. Shaw family Funeral Directors Glendale BRAZILL-WHITNEY Phone YE 7-9255 4-Funeral Directors A. L. MOORE SONS Adams at 4th Ave.

Ph. AL 4-4111 FORMAN'S ARIZONA FUNERAL HOME 376 N. 3rd Ave AL 3-2332 PARADISE CHAPEL 3934 E. Indian School CR 4-4992 WHITNEY MURPHY FUNERAL HOME 330 N. 2nd Ave.

AL 4-7278 "Serving Phx. for over 24 Mortensen-Kingsley 1020 W. Washington AL 4-3119 OUR REPUTATION 1S YOU PROTECTION MERCER MORTUARY Thomas Rd. at 16th St. Phone AM 6-2441 Private parking 5-Flowers DONOFRIO FLORAL CO.

Phone AL 3-2139 for Service LOUGH'S FLOWER SHOP AL 4-9515 838 N. Central 6-Cemetery Lots CHOICE burial lots. WO 4-6009. A 7-Lost PUPPY. part Pekingese, light blond, Vicinity Monte Vista School.

Child's pet. Reward, CR. 4-9600. PEKINGESE. female.

"Sassy', almost white." black face. Lost four miles north of New River. Sunday Reward. WH 5-2456. CAT.

Siamese female vicinity 7th Street and Glendale Avenue. Reward AM 5-1765. FOX Terrier. registered. white and black.

Reward. AL 8-9563. PARAKEET, chartreuse, Vicinity 3300 East Oak. Reward, BR 5-2879. DOG German Short Haired Pointer, Vicinity of Black Canvon Highway-Olive Avenue, Tag.

No. 482. Reward. WI. 3-9076.

ANTENNA. $5 reward. Lost in Downtown vicinity. CR 7-6096. DOG, blond, part boxer, female, five months old.

child's pet. 4235 North 15th Avenue, apartment 5. BEAGLE. male, months. Vicinity-504 South Miller Road, Scottsdale.

Reward. WH 5-6706. TRAIN case with Starline. Airport parking area. Liberal reward.

Contains medicines vitally necessary, WI 3-7528, or leave with Airport officials. PARAKEET, blue. Vicinity 15th "Blue Boy." Reward. AL 2-8363. DOG, Dalmatian, female.

15th Avenue. Camelback. Minnesota tags. CR 7-3120, after 4 p.m. WALLET.

lady's, red. contains valuable papers and cash. ity Walgreens Drug. Park Central. Need papers badly.

For reward call Dorothy Bartlett, CR 4-1774 or CR 7-4051. TOY Manchester, red. collar. 8 months old, child's pet, Vicinity 5th Street-Roosevelt. Reward.

Answers to name "Trinket." AL 2-1919. TERRIER, female wire haired. gray and white. Answers to "Penny." Reward. AL 4-9468.

DOG. male beagle, black, tan and white. Reward. BR 5-0558. BICYCLE, lost at Skagg's by deaf and dumb boy.

Please return to 828 East Washington. DOG, brown part Toy Boxer and Pekingese, vicinity of Glendale and 7th Avenue, WI 3-4323. 18-Found PUPPY. Terrier type. female.

surgery on foot, CR 4-5776. black, short hair, small female, 3131 East Monte Vista, 9-Auctions Square Deal Auction PHOENIX'S NEWEST AUCTION FRI, 10 A.M. FRI. 7 P.M. We buy anything or sell for 1710 E.

Mohave AL 2-6240 CORNELIUS Public Stockyards FEDERALLY INSPECTED CATTLE AUCTIONS TUES. FRI. 5201 E. WASHINGTON, PHX. OFFICE BR 55711 RES AM59326 Al Downard Sales Yard Big Auction every Sat.

3000 Cent KOHL'S DAIRY AUCTION SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY 11:00 A.M. 1 COMPLETE HERD HOLSTEINS 40 Top Holstein Cows. 28 Fresh. 12 Springers, 12 Bred Heifers. Plus a good run of other cattla, 59th STREET BASELINE RI.

GLEN KOHL. Manager Rt. 2 Box 595. Tempe WO 7-3023 Fri. 7.

PM -Sun. 10 AM Ave. Auction 5102 N. 27th Ave. West Phoenix Auction Open Thursday 'til 8 P.M.

for inFriday night 2516 No. 35th spection consignments, Sale every Ave. AP 8-0845. Ed Kieriz, auct, A-R-I-Z-O-N-A LIVESTOCK AUCTION Sale Days MON. THURS.

11:00 A.M. FOR MONDAY'S SALE 1 Entire Herd 25 Top Dairy Cows to be sold at 11:00. Also regular run of beef feeder cattle. for top dollar. WARE'S AUCTION 2 SALES EVERY Monday 10 am 7 pm 3355 W.

MCDOWELL WE PURCHASE OUTRIGHT OR SELL ON CONSIGNMENT CALL AP 8-5812 THURSDAY FRIDAY 7 P. M. 2 BIG AUCTIONS 2525 South 19th Ave. AL 3-4234 Auctioneer--John WHISENANT Ivyl Hunt Sheldon Anton Grand Old Auction 2633 E. Indian School Rd.

Sale every Sat. 1 p.m.. Wed. nite 7 p.m. Pickup available.

Bring it in or call CR 4-6643 SUN VALLEY AUCTION 2501 Westward Blvd. AP 8-8933 Furniture Auction Thurs. 7:30 pm July 24 FURNITURE FROM UNIVERSAL MODEL HOMES 3331 N. 24TH ST. 2 Hot Point 2 Hardwick Gas Ranges, 15 Bed "Sets, Mattresses Box Springs, Living Rm.

Sets, Orc Chairs. Dinette Set. Coffee-End Nite Tables, Table Floor Lamps. Bed Spreads. Pillows.

Head Boards. Hi Stools, Dishes, 24 RCA TV, 100 Sq. Yads Carpeting, Some Used Furn. The Arizona Auctioneers A-U-C-T-I-O-N Wednesday 9 am 7 pm 4001 N. 7th Street Loaded With Late Model Appliances SEE LARGE AD IN CLASS 35A JOHN BRUNK SONS AM 6-5202 Bankruptcy Auction Friday 10am July 25 STULTS EAGLE DRUG CO.


RESTAURANT Call AL EQUIPMENT Brochure 8-6981 The Arizona Auctioneers.

Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2025)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.