Beyond Paradise: Wrath of the Joy-Bringer - ZappyBoiKenobi (2024)

There was a reason why the many panicking women in Heaven did not know Adam's location despite the existence of the scrying orb.

Uriel was one of the more unique seraphim in Heaven, with the extraordinary ability to focus his power into the scrying orb, he had the ability to find anyone he chooses almost instantaneously.

Without him, the other seraphim had to resort to manually searching with their monitors which Sera and the others often do if Uriel wasn't available. Normally, this wasn’t a problem, as their multiple eyes allowed them to cover ground quickly, but it could still take hours, if not days.

In the beginning, Uriel's life was pretty easy.

But then Adam died and came to Heaven.

Ever since then, Uriel had been receiving requests from Sera to use his power with the scrying orb to locate her son. Despite Lute or Aclima accompanying him, she insisted every now and then on using his power for what he saw as nonsense. And of course, he had to oblige because she was the Head Seraphim.

That is, if she could find him.

Over the centuries, he had become quite adept at avoiding her. This soon became beneficial for him, as the paperwork intended for him simply went to Michael or one of his other brothers. This free time allowed him to pursue his own interests and accumulate more knowledge.

At least, it would have been, until Adam decided to make himself a fixture in his life.

"Come on Uriel, just a hint, you don't have to tell me the exact location of Eden."

"Uriel! I got a new riddle for you!"

"Uri, I need to hide with you for awhile. Malenia is being horny again!"

"Adventure time Uriel! I even got you some grilled cheese sandwiches!"

The man was a constant annoying presence in his life. Somehow, he is even able to find his hiding places and would just casually barge in like he owns the place.

Adam was a strange enigma to him.

Though Uriel tried to maintain his stoic exterior, deep down, he was actually quite fond of Adam. He found him amusing, if a bit naïve, and enjoyed their many conversations. While he had accumulated a vast amount wisdom and knowledge, Uriel found himself surprisingly intrigued by Adam's fresh and innovative perspectives on things.

Despite his initial irritation, he slowly began to see the value in these interactions. His experiences with Adam, though exasperating at times, brought a new dimension to his existence.

His ability to invent something like the Rubik's cube to stump him was rather impressive.

Adam had sort of forced him to experience life instead of living it through a book with food being the most obvious example. Before the arrival of Adam, Uriel had never eaten a single bite of food. He had no need to as an angel, and had no desire to. But after Adam had convinced him to taste the grilled cheese sandwiches he made, Uriel was almost immediately addicted to the savory flavors and textures.

Never before had he craved for more.

It was almost ironic that, after spending so much time avoiding others, Uriel's first real friend turned out to be a human who had the tendency to be everywhere.
However, now he was wishing the First Man never found him in the first place.

The man's sense of adventure was going to be the death of him!

Approaching the council chambers, Uriel stopped by the door and peaked in, finding the scrying orb floating in the center and with no one around. He lets out a sigh of relief. He than steps in, walking over to the scrying orb.

"Okay, just in and out." Uriel mumbles to himself. "Find Adam and rescue him before this gets even more out of hand."


Uriel winces at his name being called. Turning around, he comes to find the two frantic faces of Jophiel and Emily.

"Uriel, there you are!" Jophiel says in relief, approaching the Seraphim.

"Have you seen Adam!?" Emily asks.

"Yes, have you seen him!? Are you going to use the scrying orb!?" Jophiel adds.

Uriel wanted to scream.

Already Sera and Michael/Malenia were probably going to tear him a new one. He didn't need an additional two seraphim to add to that mix. So in his infinite wisdom, he knows what he needs to do to ensure his survival.


"I just finished using the scrying orb actually. I know where Adam is." Uriel says, a nervous smile on his face.

"Really!? Where is he!?" Emily asks, a hopeful expression on her face.

"Uh, he's at ... " Uriel's voice trailed off as his eyes dart around, trying to think of an excuse. Than he recalls of a time when Adam told him of a large forest that he and Aclima came across during their travels in life. "He's on Earth! Deep in the forest ... the forest that he calls the ... Amazon rainforest!"

"Let's go find him than!" Emily exclaims, wings spreading out.

"Yes, lets!" Jophiel agrees, nodding her head.

Uriel felt relief when Jophiel immediately creates a portal and walks through it. He was about to turn back to the scrying orb when Emily suddenly grabs his hand.

"Come on Uriel! Let's go find Adam!" Emily insisted.

"Um ... uh ..." Uriel's mind goes blank, trying to come up with an excuse. "I'm sure you two will be enough."

"Nonsense! Adam is possibly in danger and needs us urgently!" Emily says, tugging on Uriel's arm. "You used the scrying orb so you know best where he is in that large forest!"

"But -" Uriel tries to protest but Emily was already pulling him over to the portal. But before the two of them goes through, Emily looks back at the scrying orb and immediately gets an idea.

"You go on ahead with Jophiel, Uriel, I'll go inform my mom and tell her where Adam is!" Emily said.

"No, Wait!" Uriel tries to protest but Emily shoves him through the portal and it immediately closes.

With the portal closed, Emily races to Sera's office. Slamming open the door, she finds neither head nor hide of Sera. Emily’s heart raced as she frantically looked around the empty office. Sera was nowhere to be found, and the urgency of the situation was weighing heavily on her.

"Where are you mom!?" Emily looked around the office. Her eyes fell on the monitor and an idea comes to mind.

Instead of blindly flying around and looking for her, she'll just use the monitor to see if she can find her. She walks over and sits down on the chair. The monitor comes to life and she quickly searches through Heaven but her search came up empty.

Emily was starting to panic.

Wherever Adam was, it was clear that time was of the essence. She had to find her mother, and she had to find her now.

If she wasn't in Heaven, than where could she be?

Rarely does Emily ever get a good look at hell. Sera was always quick to shield her from doing so, so she hardly got to know what the place was like. But, desperate times called for desperate measures. Emily switched the monitor's view to hell, scanning the dreary landscape for any sign of her mother.

And as luck would have it, the first thing she spots in the hellish landscape was a pair of familiar golden wings.



Summoning several dark tentacles from the ground, Lucy uses them to level several buildings around her. The sinners inside are either killed by the tentacles piercing their bodies or by the flames that follow soon after. The screams of pain and fear only fueled her more, and she laughed maniacally as she continues to summon more dark tentacles from the ground and wreak more havoc on the city.

Soon, Adam will be found.

Soon, she will have her bestie.

Soon, they will f*ck!

As she watched several sinners try to escape the chaos, their futile attempts only amused Lucy more. Her eyes gleamed with a sinister light as the dark tentacles snaked across the ground, hunting down the fleeing souls with relentless speed. Some were crushed under the weight of her power, while others were engulfed by the flames that licked at the debris, turning the city into a blazing inferno.

Whoever was holding Adam hostage or keeping him hidden will either soon be found or they'll release him out of fear.

And if not, well, she'll just burn the whole city to the ground until she gets what she wants.

Lucy lets out another crazed laugh.


Just as she finished shouting that, she senses someone rather powerful entering hell. Her laughter stops and she turns her head in the direction of the new arrival.

"Why have you stopped Lucy?" Eve asks, confused.

Lucy focuses her vision on the new arrival far off in the distance and she spots someone with six wings.

A Seraphim.

It wasn't someone as powerful as Michael or Sera but Lucy still knew better than to underestimate her. But if whoever this was is here, it meant that she was here for Adam.

And that means ...

"Lucy!" Eve shouts, trying to get Lucy's attention. "Stop spacing out!"

Lucy looks to Eve and was about to inform her of her discovery but hesitates, her mind racing with possibilities. Eve noticed the shift in her expression, her own impatience growing as the flames around them raged higher.

"Lucy, what's going on?" Eve demanded, stepping closer. Her voice cut through the chaos, grounding Lucy for just a moment.

Lucy narrowed her eyes, considering her options.

And she came up with a foolproof plan!

If she told Eve and they go over to rescue Adam, than Eve will have first dibs on Adam and she'll be left sitting and waiting.

Like a bitch!


If she went over and rescued Adam herself and presented him to Eve, she'll be forever grateful and they can have a threesome!


Then Lilith will have to admit that his plan was a success and that her's was a failure and that'll show her.

"Nothing. I just realized that we haven't checked the outskirts. I'll go check it out while you stay here and keep searching." Lucy says, grinning.

"Why can't we just go together?" Eve asks.

Lucy quickly tried to mask her frustration, knowing that Eve’s suspicious nature might ruin her plan if she pushed too hard. The last thing she needed was Eve getting nosy or insisting on coming along. She flashed a confident smile, hoping to keep Eve in the dark just a little longer.

"Because we can cover more ground this way," Lucy replied smoothly. "You know how tricky Adam can be. If we split up, we can surround him faster and make sure he doesn't slip through our fingers."

Eve eyed her for a moment, clearly considering Lucy’s suggestion. Lucy could see the gears turning in her head, and she knew she had to sell it.

"We're losing daylight, Eve. If we want to find Adam before it's too late, then we need to act now." Lucy added, flashing her best grin.

Eve nods.

"Fine, but remember our deal! I get Adam first!"

"Sure, sure."

Lucy smiles as Eve spreads her wings and travels deeper into the city, leaving her alone.



Uriel told her and Jophiel that Adam was on Earth in some rainforest.

The scrying orb never lies.

So why is Adam in hell instead!?

Emily doesn't have time to think about all these questions. Her mind is laser focused on rescuing Adam. She'll worry about the how and the why later. Opening a portal to hell, she immediately steps through and the first thing she saw was a city being destroyed by a mix of dark tentacles and hellfire.

Her whole life she has been in Heaven, she has never seen such level of destruction in either Heaven or on Earth. Not even the flood that once ravaged the Earth was this bad.

Emily's heart raced as she took in the scene of destruction. The air was thick with smoke and the cries of the sinners echoed around her. The sight was both terrifying and sobering. She had heard of Hell's ferocity, but witnessing it firsthand was a different matter altogether.

She has never seen such devastation before.


And Adam is in this realm!?


To her relief, she knows that Adam isn't anywhere near the city from what she saw on the monitor. She roughly knows where he is and takes off quickly in his direction.


After plopping their father down on to the couch, Cain and Hannah, carefully examined him for any injuries that may be fatal. They weren't experts, but living in hell, they knew well enough to tell that he was mostly fine.

"I have no idea what I'm doing." Cain remarks. "He is bleeding from his thigh and I think we should sew it up but he also seems to be healing at a rather rapid pace."

Hannah sighs, shaking her head. "He is an angel, maybe the wound will heal by itself."

"I hope so, because I don't want him bleeding out." Cain says, his voice full of worry. "It is pretty deep though."

"Dad is strong, he'll be fine." Hannah assures him. "I hope."

As the continue to look him over, they were interrupted when a figure suddenly broke through their front door. The door to their home exploded inward with a resounding crash, startling both Cain and Hannah.

Emily burst through the opening, her eyes wide with fear and determination. The scene she encountered was far from what she had anticipated—her love, the one she was desperate to find, was here, bleeding but alive.

"ADAM!" Emily cried, her voice echoing with a mix of relief and panic as she spotted him lying on the couch.

Hannah and Cain exchanged a quick, confused glance before turning their attention to the frantic seraphim standing in their doorway.

"Who are you?" Cain demanded, stepping between Emily and Adam. His expression was protective, and his hands were still covered in Adam’s blood.

To Emily, the blood on Cain's hand meant only one thing: he was the one responsible for Adam's current state. Her expression quickly turned from relief to rage.

Emily’s eyes flared with an intense, almost blinding anger as she saw the blood on Cain’s hands. Her wings flared in agitation, and she took a threatening step toward him, her voice trembling with fury.

"How dare you! He has done nothing to you!" Emily's voice was a sharp, cutting edge, each word laced with venom.

Emily's voice cracked, her eyes welling with tears. Her rage was overwhelming, and all rational thoughts vanished from her mind. With a primal scream, she charges forward and in a blink of an eye, covers the distance between them.

"Wait!" Cain tries to protest.

Emily wasn't a fighter but her inherent angelic strength made her powerful, even without a weapon. Before Cain even has a chance to react, Emily delivers a punch straight to his jaw, sending him flying into a wall and leaving him unconscious.

Hannah gasped in shock, her hands flying to her mouth as she watched Emily's attack. She had no idea who this angel was or why she was so enraged, but seeing Cain hurt and unconscious was deeply alarming. She hurried to his side, checking his condition with frantic, shaking hands.

"Cain!" she cried, trying to rouse him. "Cain, wake up!"

Emily, meanwhile, had turned her attention back to Adam, who was still lying on the couch. She knelt beside him, her anger dissolving into concern as she inspected his wound more closely. It was clear that his angelic healing was doing its job, but the injury was still fresh and unsettling.

"Adam, please be okay." she whispered, her voice trembling as she gently touched his face. The blood was staining her hands, but she didn’t care. Her focus was entirely on ensuring his well-being.


Was it Emily's voice that stirred Adam awake?


Was it the unified cries of the sinners as they face the wrath of Lucifer and Eve?


Was it Hannah's cries of anguish?


It was a name.

A name he never thought he would hear again.

"Cain?" Adam's eyes slowly flutter open. His eyes adjust to the dim lighting and he sees Emily right next to him. He can see the concern and the relief on her face. "Em? What are you doing here? Where am I?"

Emily lets out a sigh of relief, throwing her arms around him.

"Oh, thank goodness!" She sobbed, hugging him tightly.

Adam was completely confused as to what was happening. One moment, he was fighting Lilith, next he is reunited with one of his daughters that he hasn't seen in centuries and now he was in a completely new place.

"Em, what is going on?" Adam asks, hugging her back.

"You're in hell!" Emily exclaims.

"In hell!?" Adam was surprised.

"Yes! I came to rescue you!"

"You did!?"


Adam blinks and was speechless. He was very happy to see Emily and was also impressed by her bravery.

"Cain! Wake up!" Hannah's voice interrupted them.

Adam whips his head around at the mention on Cain. When his eyes landed on Cain, his heart sank. Cain was unconscious, slumped against the wall. The sight of his son lying there, unmoving and injured, sent a pang of guilt through Adam.

“Cain!” Adam called out, trying to sit up despite his injury. His movements were sluggish, his body still recovering from the fight and the wound.

"Adam, no!" Emily holds him back. "He was the one who hurt you!"

Adam was taken aback by Emily's words. "Hurt me? Cain!?"

"She's lying!" Hannah shouted. "It was -"


"Hannah?" Adam looks on in shock as blood soon started pouring out of her mouth.

A dark tentacle had shot its way up from the floorboard and impaled Hannah. Adam’s eyes widened in horror as the dark tentacle, oozing with malevolent energy, withdrew from Hannah’s body. Her eyes, once filled with hope, now stared lifelessly as she crumpled to the ground, her last breath mingling with the scent of blood and despair.

"Where are you bestie!?" Lucy calls out from outside in a merry voice. "I want to see you!"

Adam's mouth dropped open, his body frozen in shock and confusion. Emily immediately wrapped her arms around him, pulling him away from the scene of the grisly murder.

But Adam tries to go for them. He finally has a chance to be reunited with his children, but it seems that the reunion is far from joyous. As Adam struggles against Emily’s hold, his eyes dart around the room, desperately seeking any sign of hope amidst the chaos.

"Cain!" Adam cries out, reaching for his fallen son.

But his attempts to reach him were futile as another set of Lucy's tentacles emerge from beneath the floorboard, he watches helplessly as they slither across the floor, leaving trails of blood and despair in their wake. His focus is drawn back to Cain, who remains unconscious but shows signs of stirring.

The tentacles wreck the room they were in, destroying everything within reach, all while grabbing at anything with a humanoid shape. One of the tentacle soon slams hard against Cain's unconscious form and lifts him off the ground, dangling him in the air like a marionette.

"Have I found you!?" Lucy cheers as the tentacle drags Cain's body down through the hole and outside.

Lucy brings Cain's body up to him and inspects him. "Hmmm, no, not quite. You're not Adam."

With the tentacle still wrapped around Cain, Lucy sends it crashing through the house, demolishing a good chunk of it. She then tosses Cain's corpse aside, turning her attention towards the house.

"Where are you hiding bestie!?" Lucy shouts excitedly.


"Let me go Emily!" Adam says he struggles against her grip.

"No!" Emily shouts back.

"That bastard has gone too far!" Adam shouts angrily.

What was suppose to be a heartfelt reunion between him and his children has become a nightmarish battle for survival. Emily clings tightly to Adam, trying to keep him safe from the chaos unfolding around them. Her eyes dart nervously between the rampaging tentacles and the fallen remains of their temporary refuge.

"Please Adam!" Emily begs. "I've opened a portal, we can leave!"

"No!" With a sudden burst of strength that catches Emily off guard, Adam breaks free and with a strong flap of his wings, he breaks through a nearby window and makes a beeline for Lucy.

"Adam!" Emily calls out.


"Lucifer!" Adam shouts angrily as he rapidly approached her.

Lucy turns to face him and grins widely. Seeing him approach her with such passion filled her heart with glee. She has always wanted this kind of reaction from Adam, the kind where he can't get enough of her.

And unlike in Egypt, she isn't going to f*ck up her opening line again.

"BESTIE! I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!" Lucy shouts gleefully, opening her arms. "And it's Lucy now! Remember!?"

Lucy spreads her arms, expecting Adam to embrace her and cry out how he was so happy to see her.

After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?

Adam, however, had no intention of giving Lucy the response she expected. The anger boiling inside him eclipsed any sentimentality he might have had for their past. He didn't even hesitate as he reached Lucy, his hand glowing with holy energy.

"YOU BASTARD!" Adam roared, swinging his fist at her with all the strength he could muster. He wasn't holding back. This was a father who saw his children get slaughtered and is now out for revenge.

But Lucy, not wanting a repeat of Egypt, dodged his punch with a nimble twist, laughing as she did.

"Oh, come now, Adam!" she teased, her voice dripping with mockery. "Is that any way to greet your -"

Lucy's words barely left her lips before Adam's next move came crashing down. He spun in mid-air with the grace of a seasoned warrior, his wings creating a powerful gust that rippled through the landscape. In one fluid motion, he brought the back of his hand across Lucifer's face with a thunderous slap, the impact radiating holy light.

Lucy’s grin faltered as the force of Adam's strike sent her spiraling backward. The pain was sharp and stinging, something she hadn’t expected from him. She regained her balance quickly, her eyes flashing with a mix of surprise and fury.

"Adam!" Lucifer spat, her tone harsh and biting. "What the f*ck!? That actually hurt!"

Wait. That actually hurt?

Had Adam gotten stronger?

Adam didn't respond. He charged forward, his eyes blazing with rage. He was a man possessed, a man fueled by the need to protect his family. There was no hesitation or mercy in his actions—only anger and a thirst for revenge.

"Adam, come on, you're not actually still mad about what happened in the past, are you?" Lucy asks.

Adam's fists clenched tighter, the holy energy surrounding him crackling with intensity as he closed the distance between them. Lucy's casual dismissal of the past and the lives she had just taken only fueled the fire within him.

"Those 'sinners' were my children!" Adam bellowed, his voice filled with a mix of pain and fury. His wings flared out behind him, making him appear larger, more imposing—a father who had just witnessed the unthinkable.

Lucy’s playful demeanor faltered, and for the first time, she saw the depths of Adam’s rage. There was no amusem*nt in his eyes, no hint of the man who had once been her closest friend. This was Adam at his most raw, his most powerful, and it sent a chill down her spine.

Mustering fourth all the training Michael had given him, Adam lunged at her again. This time, he was faster, his movements driven by pure emotion. He landed a solid punch to her abdomen, knocking the wind out of her.

Lucifer doubled over, gasping for breath, but Adam didn’t stop. He followed up with another strike, this time to her side, and then another to her face, each hit fueled by the image of his fallen children.

"You killed them!" Adam roared, his voice echoing in the air. "You took them from me!"

Lucifer staggered back, her wings flapping in a desperate attempt to regain her balance. The force of Adam’s blows was nearly on par with Michael's and she wasn't expecting for it. The pain was real, visceral, and it was clear that he wasn’t going to stop until he had exacted his revenge.

But Lucy refused to yield. Adam may be angry with her now but she is confident that he'll see that being with her is the best outcome for him.


Gritting her teeth, she steadied herself and unleashed a burst of dark energy, sending Adam who had no time to react, flying backward. He crashed into the ground, skidding across the ground, but he was on his feet again in an instant, his determination unyielding.

"Oh come now." Lucy taunts. "Who gives a f*ck about them!? I was your bestie first!"

Adam snarled, his hands balling into fists. His body shook with rage, his wings flapping in agitation as he glared at Lucy. He was tired of her games, tired of her insistence on calling him 'bestie', tired of her refusal to accept that he wants nothing to do with the asshole.

"f*ck you!" Adam spat, his voice dripping with contempt.


Hiding in the now ruins of Cain and Hannah's home, Emily watched as Adam rushed head first into battle. She wanted to help him, but she didn't know how.

She has never fought or sparred before in her life!

The closest she ever came to any actual combat experience was when she punched Eve back in Egypt and earlier when she punched Cain. Both times she had attacked them while they were off-guard. She had no idea how she could help Adam against an opponent like Lucy.

Emily’s heart raced as she watched the battle unfold. It seemed like Adam was winning though, he was pushing Lucy back with every strike but his wounds from his earlier fight with Lilith was starting to slow him down.

As the battle raged on, Emily’s worry for Adam grew. She could see that his earlier wounds were catching up with him; each powerful blow seemed to take more effort and he was starting to show signs of exhaustion. Lucy, despite her earlier surprise, was regaining her composure and preparing to counter-attack.

Despite her lack of combat skills, she felt a burning desire to do something—anything—to aid Adam.

She is a Seraphim!

She is more powerful than Lucy!

She has to do something!


Adam wasn't going to win.

Even though he was holding his own, his injuries from his fight with Lilith were beginning to wear him down. He was already tiring, and Lucy knows this.

She grins, taking advantage of Adam's tiredness and lands a solid punch right at his jaw.

The impact of Lucy's punch sent Adam sprawling to the ground, the force of it making his vision blur momentarily. Pain exploded through his jaw, but he forced himself to push through it, struggling to rise to his feet. He glared up at Lucy, who was now hovering above him with a look of triumphant glee on her face.

"You’re getting tired, Adam." Lucy taunted, her voice dripping with mockery. "You don't have to keep fighting. You can rest nice and snuggly between my chest."

Lucy sticks out her chest and squeezes her breast together, making her cleavage even bigger. "Imagine how good it'll feel to be smothered by my girls!"

Adam spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground and glared up at her, his eyes filled with fury and hatred.

Adam tried to steady his breathing, his energy rapidly depleting. The weight of his wounds, both physical and emotional, was pressing heavily upon him. Yet, he refused to let despair overcome him.

He had to fight on

But he can't.

His knees were buckling under the weight of his injuries and his wings were dragging on the ground. As much as he wanted to keep fighting, he simply didn't have the strength left. He had pushed himself well beyond his limits and his body was starting to give in.

Lucy shows a satisfied grin, had Adam been at his best, she might have been in trouble. But now, she felt the victory was hers.

Adam’s gaze was intense, though his strength was failing him. He was battered and bruised, but his will remained as unyielding as ever. He struggled to his knees, trying to summon the last of his strength to fight back, but his movements were sluggish, almost uncoordinated.

"Tired?" Lucy taunted, her voice dripping with triumph. "I hope you still have some stamina left over for the bedroom."


Emily's eyes widened in shock and anger after hearing those blasphemous words.







Her hands began to glow, her holy aura manifesting around her. Her rage was burning within her, a fire that threatened to consume her very soul. She may be the Joy-Bringer and wish to bring joy to everyone, but right now, she wants nothing more than to beat the snot out of Lucy!

In a quick puff, she transforms herself into a unicorn and charges straight at the unsuspecting rapist. Lucy who up until this point had kept her focus solely on Adam had forgotten that there was a Seraphim present. Lucy’s attention was focused entirely on Adam, and she barely registered the sudden shift as Emily charged with a speed and intensity that caught Lucy off guard, her radiant aura blazing with righteous fury.

Her horn gleamed with a divine light, and Emily aimed straight at Lucy, her eyes burning with determination. With a powerful charge, she impaled Lucy’s side, the holy energy searing through the fallen angel flesh causing her to howl in pain and surprise.

With a flick of her head, Emily sends Lucy flying, her body crashing into the wall with a forceful impact. Lucy let out a pained scream as she slid down, struggling to regain her bearings. The holy energy from Emily’s attack burned fiercely, leaving a searing mark on Lucy’s side.

Adam, despite his exhaustion, looked up in surprise as Emily—now in her unicorn form—stood between him and Lucy. His eyes were wide with disbelief, not just at Lucy’s reaction but at the sight of Emily’s fierce determination. The divine aura surrounding Emily seemed to momentarily eclipse the chaos around them, bringing a glimmer of hope.

Lucy recovers from her fall and rises back to her feet and clutches her side. She was angry and in pain. She looks over at the Seraphim and snarls.

"Who the hell are you!?" Lucy growls.

Emily transforms back into her humanoid form and glares at Lucy, her eyes filled with anger. "I am Emily, the Joy-Bringer and Adam's wife!"


Lucy stared at Emily dumbfounded and felt her anger boil over at that statement.







"YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" Lucy screamed in frustration.

Lucifer's shriek reverberated through the crumbling space, a piercing sound of frustration and fury. Her eyes burned with a dark, intense fire as she fixed her gaze on Emily. The air crackled with an ominous energy, and the once playful, mocking demeanor had now shifted into one of cold, calculated rage.

Emily stood her ground, her aura glowing fiercely as she prepared for the inevitable counterattack. She could see the pain and anger in Lucifer's eyes, a reflection of the chaos that had unfolded around them. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination—she had never been in a battle like this before, but there was no turning back now.

"Adam is mine!" Lucy spat, her voice like a venomous hiss. "And no one—not even Sera—will take him from me!"

Without warning, Lucy unleashed a barrage of dark energy blasts, her hands crackling with malevolent power. The tendrils of darkness shot towards Emily, their speed and ferocity a testament to Lucifer’s formidable strength. Emily barely had time to react; she summoned a barrier of light, the divine energy swirling around her and deflecting the dark assault.

The tentacles pounded against her barrier with relentless force, each impact sending shockwaves through the ground beneath them. Emily gritted her teeth, holding her ground as the dark tentacles tried to penetrate her defenses. The strain was immense, and she could feel the pressure mounting, but she refused to back down. Not now, not when Adam needed her the most.

Before dropping the barrier, Emily quickly transforms back into her unicorn form and charges again, dodging the tentacles. This time her charge is faster and she rams straight into Lucy's stomach with her horn, causing her to cough and spit up blood.

But Lucy was nothing if not determined.

Hell itself trembled with the sheer force of Lucy’s fury as the battle continued. With a howl of rage, she unleashed a wave of dark energy that swept through the air, ripping through the space with violent force. Emily barely managed to dodge the attack, her unicorn form leaping gracefully to the side. The ground where she had stood moments before was blasted into debris.

Emily was determined to keep fighting. Her horn glowed brightly as she charged at Lucy once more. But Lucy was ready. With a snarl, she shifted into a colossal, serpentine dragon, her scales shimmering with an otherworldly darkness. Her jaws opened wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth as she let out a deafening roar.

Emily's heart raced as she saw the dragon’s massive form coming at her. She swiftly transformed into a majestic eagle, her wings beating powerfully as she soared above the dragon’s snapping jaws. From her elevated position, she fired a burst of holy light from her talons, striking the dragon’s scaled hide. Lucifer’s roar of pain echoed throughout hell, but she didn’t falter.

The dragon thrashed around, trying to shake off the pain. Emily’s eagle form was quick and agile, darting around the dragon’s massive bulk. But Lucifer was relentless. With a sharp, quick twist, the dragon’s tail lashed out, striking Emily and sending her spiraling through the air. She crashed into a nearby rock formation, the impact stunning her briefly.

Lucy, still in dragon form, roared triumphantly, sensing victory within her grasp. But Emily, her determination unyielding, rose to her feet. She transformed into a cheetah, her body sleek and fast as she darted toward Lucifer with renewed energy.

With a powerful leap, Emily’s cheetah form launched herself at the dragon, her claws outstretched. She slashed at Lucifer’s underbelly, the holy energy in her claws searing through the dragon’s scales. Lucifer roared in agony, shifting rapidly into a gigantic, ravenous wolf. Her fur bristled with dark energy as she lunged at Emily.

Emily transformed into a nimble fox, her agility allowing her to evade the wolf’s snapping jaws. She darted around, her small form weaving through the chaos.

Lucy, frustrated and enraged, shifted into a massive swarm of black ravens. The flurry of wings and beaks darkened the sky as she bombarded Emily with a relentless barrage of attacks. In response, Emily changed into a large grizzly bear, roared defiantly and swiped her massive claws at the raven storm, scattering some of the dark birds.

While Emily was holding her own against Lucy, her inexperience in actual combat was becoming apparent. She was tiring quickly, her energy reserves waning, and Lucy knew this.

Lucy’s storm of ravens swirled above Emily, their dark feathers blotting out the light as they pecked and clawed at her bear form. Emily roared defiantly, her massive claws sweeping through the air in desperate attempts to fend off the relentless assault. The intensity of the storm was overwhelming, and each strike left her more exhausted.

Each of Lucy's raven forms cackled triumphantly, their eyes gleaming with dark satisfaction. She knew she had the upper hand and relished in the struggle that Emily was enduring.

But Emily refused to give up. With a burst of determination, she transformed into a sleek panther, her agile form slipping through the chaos with remarkable speed. She darted between the ravens, her movements swift and calculated. Lucy’s storm of ravens had trouble keeping up with the panther's speed.

From her new vantage point, Emily spotted a gap in Lucy’s defenses. With a focused leap, she sprang from the ground and changed into an eagle once more. She soared high above the raven storm and with the holy energy gathered in her talons, she fires off a wide beam of holy light that engulfed the raven entire flock of ravens in its radiant brilliance.

The holy light seared through Lucy’s raven forms, causing them to scatter in a cacophony of shrieks and caws. The dark energy that bound them began to falter, and the ravens disintegrated one by one, their forms dissolving into wisps of shadow. Lucy was forced to revert back to her original form, battered and seething with rage.

With a deafening roar, Lucy unleashed a final, catastrophic surge of dark energy in all directions, sending a tidal wave of shadow and destruction crashing through the space. The force of the blast shattered the surroundings, sending debris flying and creating a whirlwind of darkness.

Emily, caught in the tempest of dark energy, was hurled through the air, her eagle form twisting uncontrollably before she crashed into a pile of rubble. The raw power of Lucy’s attack was overwhelming, and even the Seraphim’s divine strength struggled to withstand it.

Adam, struggling to rise to his feet amidst the chaos, watched in horror as Emily was thrown aside. His heart ached, both for Emily’s bravery and for the dire situation they faced.

Had he simply listened to Emily and left together with her when they had the chance, this would not have happened.

This is all his fault.

Adam struggled to move, his body battered and bruised from his earlier battle with Lilith and than Lucy but he pushed past the pain and exhaustion, forcing himself forward despite the injuries he had sustained.

Watching Hannah and Cain die before his very eyes was gut wrenching enough, he could not bare the thought of losing Emily too.

He could not lose another person he cares about!

He must protect her!

He will protect her!


Emily groaned as she tried to stand, her body aching from the force of Lucy's attack. But her strength was fading. She could feel the exhaustion seeping into her bones, weighing her down.

Lucy shifted back into her humanoid form, her eyes burning with a dark, maniacal light.

"Time to take out the homewrecker." Lucy cackles.

The sight of Emily's weakened state filled Lucy with a sense of dark satisfaction, her sad*stic side taking pleasure in her adversary's pain. She licked her lips hungrily, eager to finally end this battle. She would show no mercy, and she would relish in the sweet taste of victory.

Lucy began to charge her dark energy, the malevolent power crackling through the air. She grinned sad*stically, her eyes gleaming with anticipation as she prepared to finish off her opponent.

Adam could not let that happen. He would not let that happen.

He struggled forward, his body aching with every movement. But he pushed past the pain, his eyes blazing with determination as he charged forward, jumping between them just in time to take the full brunt of Lucy's attack.

A concentrated blast of darkness erupted from Lucy's hands, engulfing Adam and throwing him back.

"NO!" Lucy cries out.

Adam's body was slammed against the wall, his wings crumpling under the force of the impact. His face was contorted in agony, his eyes clenched shut as he fought through the pain.

"No, no, no, no, no, no." Lucy mutters, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions.

Emily stared at Adam in horror, her heart breaking at the sight of his injuries.

"Adam!" she cried out, tears welling in her eyes.

Emily's anguish surged, her heart pounding with a mix of terror and rage. Her body trembled, overwhelmed by the sight of Adam’s battered form and the knowledge of her own limitations. But deep within her, a fierce determination ignited—a raw, primal force that eclipsed her previous fears.

With a shuddering breath, she rose to her feet, her eyes blazing with renewed intensity. The weight of the situation and the necessity to protect Adam gave her the strength she needed. She refused to let him suffer or die without fighting with every ounce of her being.

Lucy, still in shock over Adam's self-sacrifice, was momentarily distracted. The dark energy she had charged now crackled erratically, her control slipping as her emotions swirled in a chaotic storm of rage and disbelief.

Emily harnessed this moment of weakness. Her aura flared with divine energy as she transformed into a towering celestial lion. Her golden mane flowed like flames, and her eyes shone with a piercing, silver light. She charged forward with a roar that reverberated through the crumbling landscape, her paws crackling with sacred energy.

Lucy, regaining her composure, shifted into a colossal, monstrous serpent, her scales dark and ominous. She slithered towards Emily, her jaws snapping with lethal intent. But Emily was relentless. With a mighty leap, she clashed with the serpent, her claws tearing through the serpent's scales and her roar shaking the very fabric of hell.

The struggle was fierce, a battle of celestial might against infernal fury. Emily’s lion form was a whirlwind of divine wrath, each swipe of her claws infused with holy light that scorched the serpent's dark hide. Lucy hissed in pain, her serpent body writhing as she tried to counterattack, but Emily’s strength and ferocity were unmatched.

The clash reached its zenith as Emily’s divine power surged, a blinding light enveloping her lion form. With a final, earth-shattering roar, she unleashed a barrage of holy light that blasted through the serpent, sending Lucy spiraling through the air, her monstrous form breaking apart under the relentless assault.

Lucy crashed to the ground, her body battered and weak, her dark energy flickering uncertainly. She struggled to rise, but the divine light had seared through her defenses, leaving her vulnerable and exhausted.

Emily, her energy nearly spent, staggered but remained resolute. She shifted back into her humanoid form, her eyes still blazing with determination.

She could kill her now.

But Emily hesitated.

Her eyes glanced over at Adam, who was struggling to stay conscious, and then back at Lucy, who was also in no shape to continue the fight.

She had won.

She had protected Adam.

Now, she needs to bring him home.

She stumbles her way over to Adam and help him up. "It's going to be okay, Adam."

Lucy watches them in disbelief.






"ADAM!" Lucy cries out. "Come back to me!"

Adam, leaning heavily on Emily, could barely keep his eyes open. The searing pain in his wings and the overwhelming fatigue threatened to pull him under. But even in his weakened state, Adam couldn't ignore the desperate cry of Lucy. The pain in his heart was not just physical but emotional, reflecting the shattered remnants of a past he could never reclaim.

He needed to make it clear to her that she meant nothing to him.

Hobbling over to her, Adam knelt down in front of Lucy and looked her in the eyes.

"Lucifer." Adam starts.

For a moment, Lucy's eyes shone with hope. Perhaps this was the turning point. Adam would show her the love and devotion she deserves. They could be happy together, just like in the old days.

"I hate you."

But her hopes were quickly crushed.

"Hate me?" Lucy asks, her voice trembling.


With his piece said, Emily creates a portal back to Heaven and the two of them went through the portal.

Lucy was stunned, unable to comprehend the harsh reality of Adam's words.

Adam hated her?

Her bestie hated her?


That's impossible.

There's no way her bestie would say that.

She's not a monster.

She's not.

She's not.

She's not.

Heaven is just slandering her.

That's right.

Adam is being coerced by Heaven and that Emily bitch!

This is all Heaven's fault.

It's all their fault.



The next few days passed by like a blur. Once news of what happened reached Sera ears, she had given the order to Michael and Jophiel to head down into hell and deliver justice upon Lucifer. An order they were all too eager to follow.

As for Adam and Emily, they spent those few days resting in Raphael's office. With the Angel of Healing tending to their injuries, it was only a matter of time before they made a full recovery. Despite Emily's full recovery, she insisted on staying cuddled up to Adam as he continued his, making sure she was always by his side and holding him tight, not wanting to let go. She felt like she had to be near him at all times, just to make sure he was safe.

Hearing his heartbeat was the only thing keeping her calm after recent events.

As Adam slowly regained his strength, he couldn't help but notice Emily's constant presence. She was always there, hovering close, her arms wrapped around him, her head resting against his shoulder. At first, he appreciated the comfort—her warmth was a balm to his aching body and soul. But as the days went on, he began to sense something more.

"Emily," he finally murmured, his voice still raspy from his ordeal, "I'm okay now, really. You don't have to—"

"I want to." Emily cut him off softly, tightening her hold on him. Her voice was gentle but firm, leaving little room for argument.

The very thought of nearly losing him and the possibility that he would have been raped by Lucy if she didn't intervene was a traumatizing experience for her. She didn't want him out of her sight.

"I just need to be with you right now."

Adam sighed, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. He understood her fear, her need to protect him, but he also felt the weight of his own responsibility. Sure, she was stronger than him by virtue of being a seraphim but he was supposed to be strong, to fight for those he cared about, yet here he was, the one being protected.

His failure to protect Cain, Hannah and almost Emily weighed heavily on his mind, he couldn't help but think of how he should have been stronger, done more, to prevent everything that had happened.

Emily saw the look on Adam's face and frowned, her heart aching for him. She knew he was blaming himself for what happened.

"You know, it wasn't your fault." she murmurs, pressing her lips against his cheek.

"Yes, it was," he whispered, his voice thick with guilt. "If I had just listened to you and left, then at least, you would have never gotten hurt."

Emily's heart ached as she listened to Adam blame himself. She tightened her embrace around him, feeling the tension in his body. It pained her to see him like this, so burdened by guilt and sorrow. She wanted nothing more than to take that pain away, to make him understand that he wasn't alone in this.

"Adam," she said softly, her voice soothing as she gently stroked his hair. "You did everything you could. We both did. Sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control, but that doesn’t mean you failed. You fought with all your heart, and that's what matters."

"Maybe I should have just given myself over to her." Adam remarks.


"Then you wouldn't have gotten hurt. Cain and Hannah would be alive and —"


The very idea of Adam being being apart from her and especially being with his would be rapist was abhorrent to Emily.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that again, Adam." she growls.

"But Emily —"

"No, Adam! I refuse to even entertain the thought of you giving yourself to her!"


Emily slams her lips against his, her kiss hungry and possessive, claiming him. Adam gasped, startled by her sudden passion. But Emily didn't care. She was determined to make him understand, to make him see how important he was, how much he meant to her.

Adam was taken aback by the intensity of Emily's kiss, her desperation and need evident in every movement. He could feel her trembling slightly, the raw emotion pouring from her as she clung to him as if her very life depended on it. The fire in her kiss was a first he ever felt from her—an unspoken declaration of how much he meant to her and how fiercely she intended to protect him.

Adam’s initial shock slowly melted into something deeper as he returned her kiss, his arms wrapping around her tightly. For a moment, all the pain, guilt, and sorrow faded away, replaced by the overwhelming connection they shared in that instant.

As they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Emily’s eyes were fierce yet filled with vulnerability, the intensity of her feelings laid bare.

“I'm willing to share you.” she whispered, her voice a mix of desperation and determination. "But not with her, Adam. Never her. You're mine, and I'm not going to let anyone take you away from me. Especially her."


To ensure he understood that leaving her or Heaven in general for Lucy was a horrible idea, Emily pulled him in for another passionate kiss, which he eagerly reciprocated.

As they kissed, Emily stretches her legs till her feet reached Adam's groin, and she started to stroke his co*ck through his hospital gown. Adam's body instantly reacted, his member swelling with desire.

"Emily, we shouldn't be doing this here." he breathed, his voice husky with need but his fear of Raphael or anyone else walking in on them was palpable.

"We almost lost each other, Adam." Emily whispered, her eyes intense as she looked at him. "Please, I need this."

Emily could not deny her primal instincts, not anymore.

Her action surprised Adam, but he didn't object. Instead, he allowed himself to get swept up in the moment, his desire for her growing stronger by the second.

As the kiss deepened, their hands began to roam, exploring each other's bodies. Emily's touch was gentle yet urgent, conveying a need that words couldn't describe. She wanted him, needed him, more than she had ever realized.

Her toes continued to tease his co*ck, massaging it and stroking it through the thin fabric of his gown. She could feel him responding, his shaft hardening and twitching beneath her touch. Expertly playing with the tip of his penis, her big toe began to rub the underside of the tip, causing Adam to let out a soft moan.

"Emily." he groaned, his arousal obvious as his body yearned for her.

Emily could hardly contain herself.

The knowledge that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him, the feel of his body pressed against hers, his breath hot on her skin—it was almost too much to bear.

She lowers herself to his waist, taking his throbbing co*ck in her hands. She stroked him gently, enjoying the feeling of his warm flesh beneath her fingers. The tips of her fingers gently massage his shaft, teasing him, drawing out his pleasure.

Her eyes met his, her gaze filled with longing and desire.

"I want you." she whispered, her voice trembling with need.

"I want you too." Adam groans, his own desires burning hot.

Adam watched as Emily slowly lifted her dress, revealing her luscious figure. His co*ck throbbed as she exposed herself, her curves tempting him with every move. From the way her hair cascaded down her back, to the delicate arch of her neck, to the soft curve of her hips and thighs—she was a vision.

So many times before, he had seen her naked. Yet each and every time, Adam was awestruck by her beauty.

Her skin was smooth and supple, the perfect canvas for his fingertips to explore.

His hands glided across her skin, tracing the contours of her body.

As he touched her, Emily's breath hitched, her body shivering with desire. She closed her eyes, savoring his touch, his hands moving down her body, caressing her breasts and thighs before making their way down between her legs.

Her eyes opened wide when his fingers brushed against her swollen cl*t, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan.

"Adam." she whimpered, her voice filled with longing.

Adam's fingers continued to tease her, circling her cl*t before sliding inside her moist heat. She shuddered, her puss* quivering around his fingers as he stroked her inner walls.

The sensations were overwhelming.

His fingers were so skilled, so knowing, as they pleasured her.

Every touch, every movement, drove her wild with desire. With her back flushed to his front, his lips nipped and suckled on her neck and the crook of her shoulder, while his hand played with her cl*t and his fingers penetrated her wet, slick heat.

"I want to be inside you." Adam murmured, his voice husky with need.

"Please, Adam. I need you." Emily whimpered, her hips bucking against his fingers.

"Patience, Em." he replied, his lips brushing against her ear.

He moves his fingers from her puss* to her lips, her juices dripping from his fingers. Emily hungrily sucked on his fingers, the taste of her own arousal maddening. Her tongue swirled around his fingers, sucking them clean.

Watching her practically deepthroat his fingers, his co*ck throbbed and twitched, the ache in his balls growing.

He was more than ready.

"You ready for me, Em?" Adam asked, his voice thick with desire.

"Yes, Adam. Please."

Emily gasped, her puss* quivering around his co*ck as he pushed his member deep inside her. The thickness of his shaft stretched her, filling her, her inner walls clenching around him as he penetrated her.

She was about to moan loudly but Adam's fingers slid their way back in her mouth, her muffled whimpers and moans sending waves of pleasure through his body.

Emily couldn't help but squirm as she felt him thrusting his co*ck deep inside her. Each thrust elicited a soft cry from her lips, her body writhing in pleasure. She arched her back, grinding her ass against him as he filled her.

The way she moaned into his fingers, the way her puss* tightened around his co*ck, the way her body responded to his touch—it was intoxicating.

"f*ck, Emily, you feel so good." Adam groaned, his co*ck throbbing as he plunged into her, his pace increasing.

His hands roamed over her body, caressing her skin, his fingertips grazing her sensitive nipples.

Emily could barely form a coherent thought, her mind overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her body.


Each thrust, each movement, brought her closer and closer to the edge.

She could feel the pressure building inside her, her release approaching.

She moaned and whimpered into his fingers, her body shuddering, her puss* quivering.


With one last cry, her body convulsed, her org*sm washing over her. Her puss* clenched and spasmed around his co*ck, her juices gushing out.

Adam groaned, his co*ck throbbing as her inner walls clenched around him, her juices soaking his member. He could feel her trembling beneath him, her body writhing in pleasure, her puss* spasming around his shaft.

The sensation was too much.


His hips bucked, his co*ck twitching as he shot his load deep inside her.

She moaned, her body shuddering, his cum filling her. They remained connected for minutes as Emily's puss* milks Adam's co*ck dry, every last drop of his cum coating her insides.

He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent, his body pressed against hers, both of them panting, their hearts racing, basking in the afterglow, their bodies intertwined.

Clutching her tightly, Adam reflected over recent events and the fact that his actions could have resulted in her death was gut wrenching to say the least.

If she hadn't survived, if he lost her...

"I'm sorry, Emily." he whispers, his voice filled with remorse and shame.

"What? Adam, I already told you that it wasn't your fault."

"But still, if I hadn't been so stupid, you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Adam, no."

Emily shifts herself and cups his face with her hands, staring straight into his eyes.

"It was Lucy's fault. She's the one who's to blame. Not you, Adam. Never you."

She kisses him tenderly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Emily." Adam murmured, his heart swelling with emotion.

Her words were comforting, but he still felt the weight of responsibility.

"Ahem." The sound of someone clearing their throat caused them to turn their heads towards the source.

They both snap their heads to the door, their cheeks flushing as they saw Raphael standing at the doorway, the Angel of Healing giving them a knowing look and an amused smile.

"Raphael!" Adam squeaks, his cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"Sorry for interrupting, but I was coming to check on your injuries, Adam."

Adam quickly covers the both of them with a blanket. "R-Right, thanks Raphael."

"Guess I don't have to though. It's nice to see that you're energetic enough for activities." Raphael says with a sly smile.

"Uhhh." Adam and Emily blushed harder.

"I can see why Michael has been using his female counterpart more often lately. Maybe I should too." Raphael let out a chuckle before he turned to leave. "I'll come back later."

With that, Raphael left them alone, both Adam and Emily still flushed from the encounter.

"That was..." Adam started.

"Yeah..." Emily mumbled.

There was an awkward silence between them, neither knowing what to say.

"So?" Emily broke the silence. "Again?"

Adam blinked at her, taken aback by her boldness.

"Really? We just got caught and —"

"It was hot, wasn't it?"

Adam's cheeks turned red again. "I mean, I guess..."

Emily smirked, her eyes filled with mischief.

"Oh fine." Adam says, lightly slapping Emily's butt, earning a small yelp from her. "You little horny minx."

Emily purred, her arousal renewed.

Adam just couldn't say no to her.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.