Dilla's Black Myth Wukong - AMD CAS and Color Reshade (2025)

Dillas Black Myth Wukong - AMD CAS and Color Reshade
Added lilium__sdr_trc_fix, colourfulness, lightroom and amd cas.
Almost no fps / performance loss.
Color reshade made for 8 bit monitors without HDR.
If your game is grey and milkwhite, take a look at the screenshots please.
Playing this game on a 60 hz monitor the game should be colorfull and probably no need for a color reshade !
This reshade is made for 144 hz monitors using standard monitor mode, where some games are grey and have no colors, maybe the icc monitor profile get ignored ?


Description:Choose a reshade preset V1, V3 or V4 to use ingame and then choose, if you are going to use AMD FSR ingame, on render quality 100 settings.
All screenshots are done with FSR enabled and render quality 100.
V1 has gamma fixed, color increased and texture sharpening.
V2 same as V3 but with a red line in the middle and the reshade effect is on and off in one frame. This can be used to create your own reshade preset.
V3 same as above but the vignette ingame effect is disabled.
V4 has texture sharpening only.

Some areas in the game are way to bright also known as white crush. We gonna use a custom shader, liliums SDR and HDR fix. SDR fix for a 8 bit monitor and the HDR fix for a 10 bit monitor. This preset is made with the SDR fix and if you are having a 10 bit monitor change the SDR shader into the HDR shader.

V3 only* Using thelilium__sdr_trc_fix.fx and use it as 2nd shader from above in the reshade shader list, below the unsharp shader. Putting the sdr shader above the unsharp shader, the frame is a little bit too bright.
Update: Reshade version 6.2.0 has the lilium shaders added, so there is no need to download them manually.

Reshade V1this is the one im using for my playthrough
gamma fix, more color and sharpening:

1st Lilium__sdr_trc_fix.fx: Gamma fixing shader, for getting rid of the black crush
2nd Colourfulness: high color increase at value 0.96, re adjust if you like more or less color
3rd Lightroom: for reducing red glowing colors using red exposure value -0.900
4th AMD CAS: texture sharpening

Reshade V2

creators preset, for making new reshade presets:
1st Unsharp: vignette shadow removal and textures look different, better
2ndLilium__sdr_trc_fix.fx: Gamma fixing shader, for getting rid of the black crush
3rd Colourfulness:high color increase at value 0.96, re adjust if you like more or less color
4th Lightroom: for reducing red glowing colors using red exposure value -0.900
5th AMD CAS: texture sharpening
6th After Before: compare left and right side, with a line in the midlle
The same preset as the V3 gameplay file below, but the effects are off and on in one frame !

Note*You can reset the used shader effects and put new effects between the "before after" shader in the shader list for comparing the effects on and off in one frame with the red line in the middle. On the left side the effects will be off and on the right side, the effects will be on.

Reshade V3
gamma fix, less shadows, vignette disabled, more color and sharpening:

1st Unsharp: vignette shadow removal and textures look different, better
2ndLilium__sdr_trc_fix.fx: Gamma fixing shader, for getting rid of the black crush
3rd Colourfulness:high color increase at value 0.96, re adjust if you like more or less color
4th Lightroom: red glowing color reduced using red exposure minus -0.900 value
Disable lightroom, if you don't like it, but keep in mind it's fixing red glow and the red light around places with a lot of fire
5th AMD CAS: texture sharpening

Warning very important:If you enter an area where everything is glowing and the reshade increases the glow, turn the reshade off as long as you are in this area.

Reshade V4

sharpening only:
1st AMD CAS: texture sharpening

HDR and SDR Lilium's gamma fix shader explained for 8 and 10 bit monitors:
The lilium SDR shader has to be the 2nd in the list, as you can see in the picture below. Without the unsharp effect, it can be on top in the list.
For a 10-bit HDR monitor, you need to use the Lilium's HDR black floor fix, instead the Lilium's SDR 8-bit monitor gamma fix !
8-bit monitor = SDR gamma fix
10-bit monitor = HDR gamma fix
Here is a video about the HDR gamma fix, reshade can be seen at 4 min 7 sec:

Dilla's Black Myth Wukong - AMD CAS and Color Reshade (1)

Install:Copy the reshade files into the game folder\Steam\steamapps\common\BlackMythWukong\b1\Binaries\Win64Doublecheck, if your folder is different. You can download all 4 preset files and switch between them forth and back ingame. This way you can choose the one you like the most. V1 or V3 is recommended, for the best results.
When installing Reshade into the game folder, click on unselect all and then select all shader.

Recommended reshade settings:

Load only enabled effects in the settings menu and use performance mode.


Pos1: standard hotkey to enable the reshade menu ingame
Insert:toggle reshade on and off hotkey for comparing the difference
Print: for screenshots will be inside the game folder
Page up: reload the ini file
Page down: performance mode on and off
End: for choosing the next preset

Recommendedgraphic settings:
Max it out on the highest settings on a good pc.On a normal pc use the recommended settings but use low post processing for disabling depth of field.
Window mode: Fullscreen
Resolution: Max
Render scale: 100%
Vsync: On
FPS Max: 60
Monitor calibration: standard gamma value 50
AMD FSR: On, render quality value 100

Note*:Always use fullscreen mode for maximum performance. Windowed or fullscreen windowed, will have less performance.
If the pc is getting very loud playing this game, just use fps limit 60 or enable vsync.

Using AMD FSR the graphics quality will be reduced by a little bit, but the fps will be increased by a lot.
With FSR on, the game can get a pixelated oversharpened view, so im recommending to use render quality 100.

Recommended mods:

coming soon maybe...

Twitch tv livestream:

Some Youtube videos with the reshade preset V1 used:
Will be added later...

If there are any kind of problems with the game, take a look at reddit:

My mod posted on reddit:
insert link

If your game is crashing, delete the user shader cache located in:
\Users\YOUR PC NAME\AppData\Local\b1\Saved
There you can delete the 3 "user shader cache" files, as they will be newly created, the next time you start the game.

Have fun ;)


*This reshade was created without a HDR monitor, so maybe this won't work on HDR monitors.

*Important note to everyone who get to feel a headache or eyes hurting, you should disable cas and use lower color values because these effects can create pixel corruption by oversharpening the picture. Using this reshade config it is fine for me, but i had this in other games, even without reshade.
So be carefull when using sharpening and color effects, thank you.

*Feel free to change my reshade settings and upload your own reshade.

If you are a game developer:This is the kind of graphics are what gamers realy want. Full colors, straight textures and clear sight ! Look at the screenshots or test the reshade file by yourself. When you create a new game think about putting some kind of colorcorrection into your new developed game for 8 bit monitors or add something like this in the settings menu for being able to toggle the colorcorrection on and off.

What is reshade exactly ?


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Dilla's Black Myth Wukong - AMD CAS and Color Reshade (2025)
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