hepexrumor - 2021-2022 (2024)

This is the 2021-2022 HEP-Experiment faculty (tenure-track or permanent position) rumor mill. No guarantees of accuracy here. For more information on our posting policies, see The Fine Print.

To submit rumors or corrections, or to help fill in missing information from past years, email hepexrumor [at] gmail [dot] com or fill in the form below. The form is anonymous. Your feedback on the structure and content of the site is also welcome, either through the form or by email.

Please help to keep the list of jobs updated by submitting links to specific job postings.

Some random notes that don't fit neatly into the table are at the bottom of the page.

Field Key:

  • Colliders (energy frontier)

  • Dark matter, direct detection (cosmic frontier)

  • Neutrino, lepton physics (intensity frontier)

  • Other

Combinations of letters indicate an ad that either specifies no subfield, or identifies several. Combinations that contain underlined letters indicate some perceived preference (or rumor) for a particular subfield. See more on this in The Fine Print.

Last updated March 21, 2024. Recent changes:

New Posts:

Short Lists:Oxford


Faculty Shuffle:


Positions outside of the US

Job Posting (Field)

Short List


Oxford (C):


Eluned Smith (UZH) [LHCb], Martino Borsato (Heidelberg) [LHCb], Cristina Botta (UZH) [CMS], Tamara Vazquez Schroeder (CERN) [ATLAS], Laurent Dufour (CERN) [LHCb], Federico Meloni (DESY) [ATLAS], Donal Hill (EPFL) [LHCb], Radoslav Marchevski (Florence) [NA62]

Radoslav Marchevski (accepted)

Genova (N)

Manitoba (CDNO)

Sydney (D)

Warwick (C):

Javier Montejo Berlingen (CERN) [ATLAS], Pietro Vischia (Louvain) [CMS], Karsten Koeneke (Freiburg) [ATLAS], Tamara Vasquez Schroeder (CERN) [ATLAS], Karolos Potamianos (Oxford) [ATLAS], Chris Pollard (Oxford) [ATLAS]

Tamara Vasquez Schroeder (offered), Karolos Potamianos (accepted), Chris Pollard (accepted)

Oxford (N):

Kirsty Duffy (Oxford) [DUNE,MicroBooNE,T2K], Asher Kaboth (RHUL) [LZ,T2K], Neil McCauley (Liverpool) [HK,SNO+,T2K], Jocelyn Monroe (RHUL) [DarkSide,QUEST], Morgan Wascko (Imperial College London) [DUNE,T2K], ...

Jocelyn Monroe (accepted), Morgan Wascko (accepted)

Nansi Andari (Saclay) [ATLAS], Karsten Koeneke (Freiburg) [ATLAS], Yuta Takahashi (Zurich) [CMS], Nick Wardle (Imperial) [CMS]

Edinburgh (CN):

Elena Gramellini (FNAL) [LArIAT,MicroBooNE], Silvia Gambetta (Edinburgh) [LHCb], Mark Whitehead (Warwick) [LHCb], Cheryl Patrick (UCL) [SuperNEMO], Sally Shaw (UCSB) [LZ], William Barter (Imperial) [LHCb] + others

Sally Shaw (accepted), William Barter (accepted)

Juliette Alimena (CERN) [CMS], Artur Lobanov [Hamburg] (CMS)

Juliette Alimena (accepted)

Andreas Hinzmann (Hamburg) [CMS], Yuta Takahashi (UZH) [CMS], Jan Kieseler (CERN) [CMS]

Andreas Hinzmann (accepted)


Brian Lenardo (Stanford) [nEXO]

Went to hep-th

Gran Sasso (CDNO)


Chris Rasmussen (CERN), Chukman So (TRIUMF), Joseph McKenna (Manchester), Rodrigo Sacramento (UFRJ), Andrea Capra (TRIUMF)

TRIUMF (HyperK) (N):

Sophie Berkman (FNAL) [DUNE], Christophe Bronner (ICRR) [T2K], Xiaoyue Li (TRIUMF) [T2K], Linyan Wan (Boston) [T2K]

Xiaoyue Li (accepted)

CNRS (several positions) (CDNO):

Rafael Teixera De Lima (SLAC) [ATLAS], Anja Butter (Heidelberg), Aishik Ghosh (UCI) [ATLAS]

Anja Butter (offered)

Vienna (C)

Pietro Vischia (UCLouvain), Claudius Krause (Rutgers), Wolfgang Waltenberger (HEPHY) ...

Cladius Krause (accepted)

Lund (CO):

Lund (C):

Hannah Herde (SLAC) [ATLAS], Siyuan Sun (Michigan) [ATLAS], Lene Kristian Bryngemark (Stanford) [ATLAS, LDMX], Geoffrey Mullier (Lund) [ATLAS]

Hannah Herde (accepted)

Ljubljana (CDNO):


Jay Hyun Jo (Yale) [MicroBooNE/DUNE]


Jeff Dandoy (Penn) [ATLAS], Gaetano Barone (BNL), Huilin Qu (CERN) [CMS], Maximilian Goblirsch-Kolb (Brandeis) [ATLAS]

Maximilian Goblirsch-Kolb (accepted), Huilin Qu (accepted)

Cambridge (C):

Toulouse (C):

Joany Manjarres (Dresden) [ATLAS]

Joany Manjarres (offered)

Louie Dartmoor Corpe (CERN) [ATLAS], Joany Manjarres (Dresden) [ATLAS], Simon Akar (Marseille) [LHCb], Timothée Theveneaux-Pelzer (Humbolt) [ATLAS]

Louie Dartmoor Corpe (accepted)

Annecy (C):

Bingxuan Liu (Simon Fraser) [ATLAS], Olivier Arnaez (Toronto) [ATLAS], Gaetano Barone (BNL) [ATLAS], Joany Manjarres (Dresden) [ATLAS]

Olivier Arnaez (offered)

Adelaide (CDNO): Julia Gonski (Columbia) [ATLAS] Julia Gonski (offered)

Positions in the US

Job Posting (Field)

Short List


Berkeley (DNO):

Nancy Aggarwal (Northwestern), Ciprian Gal (Stony Brook), Elise Novitski (U. Washington), Jonathan Ouellet (MIT), Shimon Kolkowitz (Wisconsin ), Giulia Semeghini (Harvard), Luke Caldwell (JILA, Colorado ), Christie Chiu (Princeton)

Argonne (CDNO):

Christine McLean (University at Buffalo) [CMS], Matt LeBlanc (CERN) [ATLAS], Jeff Dandoy (Penn) [ATLAS], Yuta Takahashi (Zurich) [CMS], Kevin Nash (Rutgers) [CMS], Marc Osherson (Rutgers) [CMS]

Christine McLean (accepted)

Alabama (C)

Philip Chang (UCSD) [CMS], Yuta Takahashi (Zurich) [CMS], David Yu (Brown) [CMS], Saptaparna Bhattacharya (Northwestern) [CMS], Emmanuele Usai (Brown) [CMS]

Emmanuele Usai (accepted)

Penn (C)

Giordon Stark (UCSC) [ATLAS], Karri Folan DiPetrillo (Fermilab) [CMS], Marc Osheron (Rutgers) [CMS], Dylan Rankin (MIT) [CMS], Matthew Citron (UCSB) [CMS, milliQan], Aleksandra Dimitrievska (LBNL) [ATLAS], Jeff Dandoy (Penn) [ATLAS]

Karri Folan DiPetrillo (declined), Matthew Citron (declined), Dylan Rankin (accepted)

UT Austin (DNO):

Scott Kravitz (LBNL) [LZ], Brian Lenardo (Stanford) [nEXO], Alissa Monte (UCSB) [LZ]

Scott Kravitz (accepted), Alissa Monte (declined)

Florida (C):

Alexx Perloff (Boulder) [CMS], Dylan Rankin (MIT) [CMS], Philip Chang (UCSD) [CMS], Tamara Vazquez Schroeder (CERN) [ATLAS]

Philip Chang (accepted)

UC Davis (CDNO):

Matteo Cremonesi (Fermilab) [CMS], Elena Gramellini (Fermilab) [MicroBooNE], Sophie Berkman (Fermilab) [MicroBooNE], Matthew Citron (UCSB) [CMS, MilliQan], Fernanda Psihas (Fermilab) [DUNE], Saptaparna Bhattacharya (Northwestern) [CMS]

Matthew Citron (accepted)

Notre Dame (CN):

Philip Chang (UCSD) [CMS], Matthew Citron (UCSB) [CMS, milliQan], Saptaparna Bhattacharya (Northwestern) [CMS], Marc Osherson (Rutgers) [CMS]

Matthew Citron (declined), Marc Osheron (accepted)

FNAL (Wilson) (CDNO):

Christine McLean (University of Buffalo) [CMS], Vishvas Pandey (UF) [SBND, CCM], Elena Gramellini (Fermilab) [MicroBooNE], Steven Gardiner (Fermilab) [MicroBooNE,GENIE], Aleksandra Ciprijanovic (Fermilab) [Scientific Computing]

Elena Gramellini (offered), Vishvas Pandey (accepted), Aleksandra Ciprijanovic (accepted)


Matt Citron (UCSB) [CMS, milliQan], Eluned Smith (UZH) [LHCb], Jeff Dandoy (UPenn) [ATLAS], Gian-Michele Innocenti (CERN) [CMS], Yi Chen (CERN) [CMS]

Eluned Smith (accepted)

UM Duluth (CDNO)

Pietro Vischia (UCLouvain) [CMS], Karl Warburton (Iowa State) [DUNE]

Syracuse (CN):

Bryan Ramson (Fermilab) [NOvA, DUNE], Rafael Silva Coutinho (UZH) [LHCb], Fernanda Psihas (Fermilab) [SBN, DUNE]

Rafael Silva Coutinho (offered)

Went to Astro

Michigan (CDNO)

Jonathan Long (UIUC) [ATLAS]


Brian Clark (MSU) [IceCube], Mehr Un Nisa (MSU) [IceCube], Brian Clark (MSU) [IceCube], Henrike Fleishhack (Catholic, NASA Goddard) [AMEGO-X], Marc Osherson (Rutgers) [CMS], Michael Larson

Brian Clark (accepted)

Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (Yale) [STAR], James Mulligan (Berkeley) [ALICE], Austin Baty (Rice) [CMS], Jing Wang (MIT) [CMS], Yi Chen (MIT) [CMS]

Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (accepted), Yi Chen (accepted)

Caltech (CDNO)

Chicago (CDNO):

Karri Folan DiPetrillo (Fermilab) [CMS]

Karri Folan DiPetrillo (accepted)

Brown (CDNO):

Karri Folan DiPetrillo (Fermilab) [CMS]

Karri Folan DiPetrillo (declined)

Jay Hyun Jo (Yale) [MicroBooNE/DUNE]

Jay Hyun Jo (offered)


Matteo Cremonesi (Notre Dame) [CMS], David Yu (Brown) [CMS], Héctor de la Torre Pérez (MSU) [ATLAS], Jonathan Long (UIUC) [ATLAS]

Héctor de la Torre Pérez (accepted)

Cristiano Alpigiani (Washington) [ATLAS]

Matteo Cremonesi (Notre Dame) [CMS], David Yu (Brown) [CMS], Yacine Haddad (Northeastern) [CMS]

Matteo Cremonesi (declined)


Alissa Monte (UCSB) [LZ], Aaron Manalaysay (UC Davis) [LZ, LUX, XENON], Scott Kravitz (LBNL) [LZ, EXO]

Aaron Manalaysay (offered)


SLAC Panofsky (CDNO):

Brian Lenardo (Stanford) [nEXO], Steven Gardiner (Fermilab) [MicroBooNE,GENIE], Matthew Gignac (UCSC) [ATLAS], Chelsea Bartram (UW) [ADMX]

Brian Lenardo (accepted), Chelsea Bartram (accepted)

Random Notes

    • The start of a new year! Welcome to the 2021-2022 page.

    • October 9: Argonne is sending invitations to interview.

    • October 22: Syracuse is conducting interviews

    • October 31st: Oxford (C) sending rejections

    • November 17th: Warwick sending rejections

    • November 25th: We heard the STFC/UKRI (LHCb) (C) position was offered to someone - any news?

    • November 30th: UMD notes that they welcome HEP collider folks who are interested in crossing over for the astrophysics post

    • December 6th: Edinburgh sending rejections, Florida sending long list interview invitations

    • December 14: Caltech and Chicago sending long list interview invitations.

    • December 16: Sydney deadline extended, link updated

    • December 17: Vanderbilt sending long list interview invitations

    • December 21: UBC sending long list interview invitations, EPFL sending rejections, Florida sending rejections to long list interviewers

    • December 28: William and Mary sending long list invitations

    • January 4: Chicago is sending rejections

    • January 6: UT Austin sending long list invitations

    • January 13: Michigan is sending interview invitations

    • January 15: Notre Dame has made a shortlist, does anyone have an update on the Berkeley search?

    • January 20: Notre Dame clarified that wasn't the shortlist, thank you!

    • January 27th: UC Davis sending long list invitations

    • February 3rd: UBC sending short list invitations

    • February 10: Any updates on Panofsky?

    • February 27: Lots of updates. Florida Tech also has a shortlist. ASU has done pre-interviews. Anyone have a link for the Maryland job?

    • March 1: UPenn is finished with interviews

    • March 3: TRIUMF (Hyper-K) has started long list interviews

    • March 8: MIT finished short-list interviews

    • March 18: Michigan position offered to a theorist

    • March 24: Berkeley sending rejections

    • March 28: SLAC (Panofsky) is sending interview invitations

    • March 31: UBC position offered to a theorist

    • April 7: TRIUMF interviews for Hyper-K and ALPHA are going out.

    • May 14: Duluth hired outside of hepex, will search again including hepex next year.

    • May 18: Vienna notified the candidates on the shortlist and scheduled interviews for September.

    • June 20: Sorry for the long delay in updates; we had a long-overdue reformatting ongoing. Things should be easier to read now, especially for offers/accepted. (Note that our intention was never to remove this information, just that formatting with the new Google Pages was more annoying than in the past). Submitted material should be caught up now.

    • June 20: Offer out to a Berkeley candidate

    • June 20: Fermilab Accelerator Division Associate Scientist position accepted by Adam Schreckenberger from UIUC

    • June 21: Fermilab Scientific Computing Division Associate Scientist position accepted by Steven Gardiner (FNAL)

    • June 23: Heard of a short list for FSU but don't have a link for the job. Does anyone have that?

    • July 20: Thanks for the batch of new job posts-- we'll post these to a new year's page shortly.

    • August 17: Rumors exist of a Cambridge shortlist, but no names have been submitted yet.

    • November 5: Matteo Cremonesi accepts a job at CMU.

hepexrumor - 2021-2022 (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 6201

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.