This Was Not the Plan - North927 (2024)

“No no no, f*ck f*ck f*ck…” I mutter while my trembling fingers dent the empty cardboard box in my hands. It’s not supposed to be empty. It can’t be empty. I shut my eyes tight before opening them back, maybe I’m hallucinating the empty box. Nope, still f*cking empty. Where is my injection?

Every month without fail I receive my suppressant from the military’s main supplier overseas. For years I have never had an issue with it. I’m required to be on it, for my own safety as well as the safety of others. An omega that slips into heat around alphas is dangerous; it’s just a fact of life, especially in a military setting which is prone to more aggressive alphas. What better career choice that allows you to work your psychological, emotional, or biological issues out than this?

I throw the box against my wall and hold my face in my hands taking a deep breath. I pull back slightly, flexing my fingers and can see they’re shaking worse. I can feel my heat already starting to crawl under my skin like thick oil pulling through my veins. I should have known my injection being a few days late in arriving as a red flag. I should have contacted my chain of command, but I know exactly why I didn’t contact my chain of command. I keep a wide berth from our new colonel.

He took command a few months back. It’s an uncommon situation of a Colonel accepting command of a company, a position usually held for a captain: a rank four positions lower than his. Possibly it’s due to him transitioning from an ally country. I’ve heard he was reassigned from the Austrian Army, not that I would know since I have never spoken to him. No, I’ve only been blessed by judgmental stares and irritated huffs when near him for the handful of moments it has occurred. I can smell the disdain off of him. Many higher ups are biased against omegas in military settings, claiming we are “a distraction”.
f*ck him.
I have just as much of a right to serve as any of these alphas. I successfully passed every physical, medical, and administrative test as everyone else. Being looked down on just comes with the territory that I’m used to.

I have to talk to him, I have to get this taken care of or else things will go sour very quickly. It’s late, past sundown. Hopefully he is still in his office. I stand from my desk in my barracks room, instantly becoming light-headed and having to catch myself against my chair. This is NOT good. My heat is coming on quickly. I’m already starting to sweat and itch with a slow-pulsing throb in my lower stomach.
I take a deep breath and can smell my pheromones. sh*t. I dig out a high-neck sweatshirt I throw on over my sports bra to try to cover my scent glands on my neck. My heat scent will be a flashing neon sign of “open for business” to any and every alpha I get near. That is the last thing I need. I don’t need an alpha’s knot, I need my damn medication.

I pull my hood up around my head and tuck my braided hair into the back of it, heading out of my barracks room and out of the barracks building. Thankfully the wind isn’t blowing or else my scent would easily carry on the wind. I lightly jog the mile distance to the offices for my company. I head in the front door, barely nodding at the staring alpha by the front desk, eyeing me up and down with his nostrils flaring.
“Mind your business, private,” I snap at him.
“Apologies, sergeant,” he mutters, not breaking his engulfing stare on my body.
This isn’t good.

I make it to the colonel’s office door, the name plate on the top of the door reading “COL KONIG”.
I take a deep breath, wishing I could jump off a cliff instead of explaining to him my situation.
‘This is why omegas shouldn’t be in our service, what a ridiculous situation to bother me with,’ I can already hear him say. I clench my jaw and knock on the door, almost hoping he is not in there.

“Enter,” I hear a gravelly accented voice say from behind the door. I turn the door knob and enter, closing the door behind me. I stand at parade rest, slowly raising my eyes up to the desk in the room. A behemoth of a man is sat behind the desk looking over open files spread about the surface. I glance up at his face, a face constantly covered with a sniper’s hood. I’ve always found that…intriguing. What does he have to hide that his subordinates can’t see? In the midst of my thoughts I catch seering eyes staring back at me. I quickly drop my gaze in submission out of instinct. This isn’t starting well.

“What do you need, sergeant? It’s late,” he huffs with annoyance lacing his voice. I have to hold in my irritation. It should not matter the time if your soldier needs you. A difference in leadership style, I suppose.

“I have a situation with my suppressant,” I flatly respond, glancing back up towards him.

He leans back in his office chair, crossing his arms across his chest.
“A situation,” he echoes with a bored tone.
What is with this man? What is with his attitude?

“Yessir,” I answer slowly, “My month’s supply was empty. I don’t have any.”
I swallow, trying to hold the shake I can feel snaking up my vocal cords from my hormones pumping.
“It already showed up a few days late, and I can already feel last month’s dosage clearing from my system.”
That’s an understatement. Every inhale I take I can smell him. I’ve never been able to smell him so clearly before. His pheromones are almost nauseating, making my head spin. Was it this bad last time I went in heat? When was my last heat? It’s getting difficult to think.

Konig doesn’t respond, just staring at me with a blank expression. I squirm in my standing position sweating through my sweatshirt. I can feel my skin flushed on my cheeks. My pheromones are starting to seep through the material. My skin is itching. I can feel my underwear in my sweatpants starting to get soaked, making my body shiver at the sensation. If I’m already slicking, my heat is officially starting. Oh, please don’t panic. I feel like he’s reading my thoughts. Please just f*cking say something so I can leave.

“What a predicament,” he simply says.

If I wasn’t already so out of it with hormones and arousal I’d be irate. No sh*t, it’s a predicament.

“Yessir,” I breathe out, my eyes slipping closed as I try to keep my head from fogging. I wish I could lay on the rug in front of me and fall asleep, slide my hand into my waistband, something than just stand here for Konig to stare at while I internally fall apart.

His chair creaks which makes my eyes flick open, watching him stand and walk around his desk up to me slowly, his eyes never leaving me. I have to tilt my head substantially to keep my eyes on his. He has to be a foot taller than me. His hand comes up, making me flinch, plucking the back of my hood between his fingers and pulling it off my head. The lack of material around my neck plumes a pocket of my heat pheromones around my body.

“Poor omega,” he breathes out, a growl decorating the timber of his voice. I should be alarmed if I wasn’t already slipping out of it. His fingers slide into my hair, fisting it tight in his hand, pulling my head to the side as he leans over my throat, his draping hood brushing against my inflamed skin. I hear him take a deep inhale. I’m frozen. My colonel is sniffing my pheromones. This is beyond inappropriate, but I can’t move. I don’t dare to pull away from an alpha, especially in the omegan headspace I’m in. I’m trapped in a submissive state with no way out unless Konig allows it. I would feel humiliated if it didn’t feel…right, being in such a state before an alpha…What the f*ck am I saying?

“You’re right. Your suppressant is out of your system. You’re in heat,” he casually says while he’s still holding me firmly in place. I can’t control my breathing, short pants coming in and out, each flooded with his alpha pheromones.
“I’m surprised you made it across base without being grabbed by a wandering alpha-“ he pauses.
“How fortunate for me,” he growls.

That catches my attention, my brain clearing slightly.
“C-colonel? What are you saying?” I nervously ask, using the slight clarity in my mind to try to take a step back, a shred of fear creeping into my mind.
Konig’s low growl at my action has me stop in place, warning me not to pull away.

“Where do you think you’re going, omega?” He asks with a tilt of his head, his eyes piercing into my soul.
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re staying right here,” he growls.
He side steps, pushing me forward and forcing my face down against his desk, my body bending over it with a yelp leaving me. What is happening? This isn’t good. Warning bells are going off in my mind, my fight or flight numbed by my heat. Why aren’t I fighting back? My nails dig into the wood below me.

“You come in my office smelling this f*cking good, smelling this heady of your heat, begging to be bred, and you try to pull away from me?” He snarls, his alpha baritone creeping into his voice. He presses his face against the side of my neck again, inhaling my pheromones with a groan. I feel his body press against mine, his hardening co*ck easy to distinguish against my ass. I can’t stop trembling. I need to get out of this office, away from any alpha. My body needs a knot so badly right now I could cry.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. I know what you need,” he says as I hear his belt unbuckle and he unbuttons his uniform pants.

I shake my head at him, at myself, trying to clear my creeping heat fog. It’s getting harder to ignore.
“Colonel, I can’t, I need to leave, please…” I weakly beg with a whine ending my sentence.

He freezes at my words.
“Fine,” he growls.
“If you don’t want this, stand up and walk out right now. Go ahead, omega. Be my f*cking guest.”

I should leave. I should stand and smack him in the face and go right back to my room. I should report him for inappropriate actions as an officer. I’ll do it first thing in the morning. I could even switch to another unit.

Why am I not moving? My legs spread slightly. My body relaxes against the desk. I hear an omegan whine leave my throat from feeling so f*cking empty. I don’t care anymore, my heat haze completely wrapping around my brain like a soft blanket, all higher thought processes wiped. I need an alpha to take care of me.
“Please…” I hear myself say. I sound so far away.

I hear Konig growl in satisfaction.
“Good girl. I’ll give you what you need,” it sounds like a threat as much as a promise.
His thumbs dip into my waistband and pull my sweatpants along with my slick-drenched underwear down my legs. The air against my soaked puss* makes me shiver. I hear Konig inhale deeply, even I can smell my slick.

“f*cking hell, your c*nt is begging for me, isn’t it?” I feel the head of his co*ck drag through my folds making me whine, shifting back trying to hurry him up. I’m going to lose my mind if he doesn’t hurry up. He presses every inch into me in one thrust. It knocks the air out of my lungs. He’s huge, thick, filling every space inside me that’s begging to be filled. It’s everything I need. I feel myself melt against his desk, finally feeling some relief.

“Scheiße, you’re f*cking tight. You’re just perfect, aren’t you?” Konig grits through clenched teeth. He pulls out until only his head is in me before thrusting back in hard, the smack of his pelvis against my ass echoing in the office. He pulls out again, shoves in again. It’s lighting every nerve ending on fire. It’s too much, it’s not enough. I need more.
He starts up a fast and brutal pace, f*cking me as hard as he can. It’s causing the desk to shuffle across the floor inch by inch. I’m holding onto the edge of the desk for dear life as he’s thrusting up into what feels like my throat. I can feel my slick drip down my thighs from his co*ck f*cking it out of me. After a while he leans over me, wrapping his hands over the edge of the desk in front of my face, pulling the desk towards him along with f*cking into me, caging me in and making me just lay here and take it. His weight on my back is adding to everything, making me feel small and submissive to everything he’s doing.

“This is exactly what you needed, isn’t it, omega? Just needed an alpha to f*ck you through your heat. It’s good you came to me, hm? It’s good another alpha didn’t find you first, I would’ve had to kill them for trying to take an omega under MY command for themselves.”
His words are twisted and demeaning but they sounds delicious to my heat hazed brain.
“Don’t worry schatz, I’ll give you my knot. That’s what you need right? Need me to f*ck my knot into you and breed you properly, fill you until my seed is dripping down your legs? Is that it?”

“Please-“ I whimper, nodding my head as my jaw hangs open slightly while I pant.
He growls loudly, thrusting a few more times until he shoves his co*ck as far as he can while I feel his knot inflate, pushing me into an intense org*sm with a groan.
“f*cking take it. Take everything I f*cking give you,” he snarls as he shoves his face into the back of my neck.

I feel his co*ck throb as he comes, making my body shiver. He’s locked inside me, keeping his cum from escaping. I can feel the warmth from it, making me squirm under his weight and his hold but I’m trapped where I am. I slowly catch my breath, my haze clearing from my heat. Sometimes an intense knotting can clear a heat up quickly versus it stretching on for a few days. Clarity forces its way to my conscious like a semi truck hitting me straight on.
I’m locked on my colonel after he just f*cked me through my heat.
Oh no.

Konig catches his breath, sitting up off my back, looking down where we are joined. His hands squeeze my ass, rubbing it between his fingers. He pulls back slightly making me wince at the uncomfortable pressure of his knot pulling on me. I hear him chuckle.
“Squeezing the f*ck out of my knot. Good girl,” he breathes.
I feel ice water cover my body. He shouldn’t talk to me this way, his subordinate. I can’t stand him, I wish I could run away. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed.

I feel his hand wrap my now messy braid around it and pull my head slightly, opening the side of my neck where he shoves his face into and inhales. I whimper and shut my eyes tight. I wish I could disappear.
“Don’t be so afraid of me,” he whispers in my ear, but I’m less than convinced.
Agonizing minutes tick by of his co*ck buried inside me and his face buried in my neck until I can finally feel his knot deflating inside me, his cum starting to escape and drip down my legs. He slowly pulls out of me, but not before f*cking into me a couple more times before. f*cking prick.

“Go to bed, sergeant. I’ll make sure your suppressant is here next month,” he says coldly, tucking himself back into his pants and adjusting his uniform like nothing just happened. Anger mixes with shame as I push myself off his desk. I feel absolutely used, despite literally begging for him to f*ck me. I wouldn’t have in any other circ*mstance, not in a million years. Not if he was the last alpha on the planet. I tend to not be attracted to absolute bastards.

He shuts his office door behind me without another word, leaving me frozen in place staring at his name plate once again, his cum slowly dripping out of me into my underwear making me feel disgusting, marked, claimed.

This Was Not the Plan - North927 (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.